Settings > Advanced Workplace Options > API
Settings > Advanced Workplace Options > API
First, you must enable API access in your workplace settings. There are two authentications that you can turn on or off at any time. By default, these options are turned off.
When you interact with your workplace over our API you must authenticate to your workplace using Basic Auth, or JWT authorization (json web tokens).
Say on your back end if you would like to add a user to an audience, you will likely be using our basic authentication method. If you are building a custom application you will likely be using JWT authentication being you are authenticating at a user level.
When you perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations you will be sending and receiving data in JSON format.
Rate Limites
You currently allowed 60 requests per minute. In the event where you need a higher limit contact us and we can discuss enterprise-level options.*
Auth Endpoints |
Methods |
{{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/auth | POST |
{{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/token | POST |
{{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/token/validate | POST |
Punch Clock Endpoints |
Methods |
{{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/punch-in | POST |
{{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/start-break | POST |
{{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/end-break | POST |
{{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/punch-out | POST |
{{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/user-state | POST, GET |
User Endpoints |
Methods |
{{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/clients | GET |
{{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/team-members | GET |
Data Endpoint |
Methods |
{{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/announcements | POST, GET, PUT, DELETE |
{{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/audiences | POST, GET, PUT, DELETE |
{{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/client-resources | POST, GET, PUT, DELETE |
{{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/email-boradcasts | POST, GET, PUT, DELETE |
{{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/expenses | POST, GET, PUT, DELETE |
{{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/external-clients | POST, GET, PUT, DELETE |
{{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/internal-resources | POST, GET, PUT, DELETE |
{{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/invoices | POST, GET, PUT, DELETE |
{{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/leads | POST, GET, PUT, DELETE |
{{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/payments | POST, GET, PUT, DELETE |
{{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/projects | POST, GET, PUT, DELETE |
{{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/proposals | POST, GET, PUT, DELETE |
{{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/sms-triggers | POST, GET, PUT, DELETE |
{{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/sms-boradcasts | POST, GET, PUT, DELETE |
{{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/subscribers | POST, GET, PUT, DELETE |
{{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/tasks | POST, GET, PUT, DELETE |
Settings > Advanced Workplace Options > API
First, you will enable API inside your workplace settings then generate your API keys.
When you click create keys you will only be able to view your keys once. Copy and save them in a safe place. This will also replace your current API Keys. Protect your API keys and do not make them accessible to the public.
To test authentication you can use the HTTP client Postman.
Username: {{PUBLIC KEY}}
Password: {{SECRET KEY}}
Use your public key as the user name and your secret key as the password when making requests.
"success": true,
"message": "Welcome to Thriveific's API",
"response_code": "200",
"site": "Thriveific's Workplaces"
Settings > Advanced Workplace Options > API
In order to access your workplace trough JWT Authentication you must enable the option in your workplace settings. Once enables you will able to make a post request to obtain a token.
JWT allows you to authorize users at a user level. Think about JWT authorization as logging the user into your workplace in a custom client application. With JWT Authorization you could build a custom application around Thriveific's API.
JSON Web Tokens are only valid for 24 hours after it's issued.
To obtain a token you will make a POST request to the below endpoint. For the post request body will contain a JSON object containing the user's email and password.
"password": "USERS PASSWORD"
"success": true,
"title": "Token Created",
"token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvZGVtby50aHJpdmVpZmljLmRldiIsImlhdCI6MTU4OTQ4OTk1NiwibmJmIjoxNTg5NDg5OTU2LCJleHAiOjE1ODk1NzYzNTYsImRhdGEiOnsidXNlciI6eyJpZCI6IjgifX19.1QTgOs1rGxGw9j_SRO5fKBo6Z3d5HxTriq9R105RxWg",
"exp": 1589576356,
"exp_date": "05/15/20 15:59:16 pm",
"now": 1589489956,
"time_now": "05/14/20 15:59:16 pm",
"site_time_zone": "America/Chicago",
"email": "",
"ID": "",
"roles": [
"caps": {
"delete_others_announcements": true,
"delete_private_announcements": true,
"edit_others_announcements": true,
"edit_private_announcements": true,
"publish_announcements": true,
"read_private_announcements": true,
"read_announcements": true,
"delete_client_notes": true,
"delete_others_client_notes": true,
"delete_private_client_notes": true,
"delete_published_client_notes": true,
"edit_client_notes": true,
"edit_others_client_notes": true,
"edit_private_client_notes": true,
"edit_published_client_notes": true,
"publish_client_notes": true,
"read_private_client_notes": true,
"read_client_notes": true,
"delete_client_resources": true,
"delete_others_client_resources": true,
"delete_private_client_resources": true,
"delete_published_client_resources": true,
"edit_client_resources": true,
"edit_others_client_resources": true,
"edit_private_client_resources": true,
"edit_published_client_resources": true,
"publish_client_resources": true,
"read_private_client_resources": true,
"read_client_resources": true,
"delete_internal_resources": true,
"delete_others_internal_resources": true,
"delete_private_internal_resources": true,
"delete_published_internal_resources": true,
"edit_internal_resources": true,
"edit_others_internal_resources": true,
"edit_private_internal_resources": true,
"edit_published_internal_resources": true,
"publish_internal_resources": true,
"read_private_internal_resources": true,
"read_internal_resources": true,
"delete_expenses": true,
"delete_others_expenses": true,
"delete_private_expenses": true,
"delete_published_expenses": true,
"edit_expenses": true,
"edit_others_expenses": true,
"edit_private_expenses": true,
"edit_published_expenses": true,
"publish_expenses": true,
"read_private_expenses": true,
"read_expenses": true,
"delete_invoices": true,
"delete_others_invoices": true,
"delete_private_invoices": true,
"delete_published_invoices": true,
"edit_invoices": true,
"edit_others_invoices": true,
"edit_private_invoices": true,
"edit_published_invoices": true,
"publish_invoices": true,
"read_private_invoices": true,
"read_invoices": true,
"delete_leads": true,
"delete_others_leads": true,
"delete_private_leads": true,
"delete_published_leads": true,
"edit_leads": true,
"edit_others_leads": true,
"edit_private_leads": true,
"edit_published_leads": true,
"publish_leads": true,
"read_private_leads": true,
"read_leads": true,
"delete_notes": true,
"edit_private_notes": true,
"edit_published_notes": true,
"publish_notes": true,
"delete_payments": true,
"delete_others_payments": true,
"delete_private_payments": true,
"delete_published_payments": true,
"edit_payments": true,
"edit_others_payments": true,
"edit_private_payments": true,
"edit_published_payments": true,
"publish_payments": true,
"read_private_payments": true,
"read_payments": true,
"delete_projects": true,
"delete_others_projects": true,
"delete_private_projects": true,
"delete_published_projects": true,
"edit_projects": true,
"edit_others_projects": true,
"edit_private_projects": true,
"edit_published_projects": true,
"publish_projects": true,
"read_private_projects": true,
"read_projects": true,
"delete_proposals": true,
"delete_others_proposals": true,
"delete_private_proposals": true,
"delete_published_proposals": true,
"edit_proposals": true,
"edit_others_proposals": true,
"edit_private_proposals": true,
"edit_published_proposals": true,
"publish_proposals": true,
"read_private_proposals": true,
"read_proposals": true,
"delete_tasks": true,
"delete_others_tasks": true,
"delete_private_tasks": true,
"delete_published_tasks": true,
"edit_tasks": true,
"edit_others_tasks": true,
"edit_private_tasks": true,
"edit_published_tasks": true,
"publish_tasks": true,
"read_private_tasks": true,
"read_tasks": true,
"delete_email_broadcasts": true,
"delete_others_email_broadcasts": true,
"delete_private_email_broadcasts": true,
"delete_published_email_broadcasts": true,
"edit_email_broadcasts": true,
"edit_others_email_broadcasts": true,
"edit_private_email_broadcasts": true,
"edit_published_email_broadcasts": true,
"publish_email_broadcasts": true,
"read_private_email_broadcasts": true,
"read_email_broadcasts": true,
"send_email_broadcasts": true,
"delete_sms_broadcasts": true,
"delete_others_sms_broadcasts": true,
"delete_private_sms_broadcasts": true,
"delete_published_sms_broadcasts": true,
"edit_sms_broadcasts": true,
"edit_others_sms_broadcasts": true,
"edit_private_sms_broadcasts": true,
"edit_published_sms_broadcasts": true,
"publish_sms_broadcasts": true,
"read_private_sms_broadcasts": true,
"read_sms_broadcasts": true,
"send_sms_broadcasts": true,
"delete_sms_triggers": true,
"delete_others_sms_triggers": true,
"delete_private_sms_triggers": true,
"delete_published_sms_triggers": true,
"edit_sms_triggers": true,
"edit_others_sms_triggers": true,
"edit_private_sms_triggers": true,
"edit_published_sms_triggers": true,
"publish_sms_triggers": true,
"read_private_sms_triggers": true,
"read_sms_triggers": true,
"delete_audiences": true,
"delete_others_audiences": true,
"delete_private_audiences": true,
"delete_published_audiences": true,
"edit_audiences": true,
"edit_others_audiences": true,
"edit_private_audiences": true,
"edit_published_audiences": true,
"publish_audiences": true,
"read_private_audiences": true,
"read_audiences": true,
"delete_time_logs": true,
"delete_others_time_logs": true,
"delete_private_time_logs": true,
"delete_published_time_logs": true,
"edit_time_logs": true,
"edit_others_time_logs": true,
"edit_private_time_logs": true,
"edit_published_time_logs": true,
"publish_time_logs": true,
"read_private_time_logs": true,
"read_time_logs": true,
"delete_private_paychecks": true,
"publish_paychecks": true,
"read_private_paychecks": true,
"delete_work_requests": true,
"delete_others_work_requests": true,
"delete_private_work_requests": true,
"delete_published_work_requests": true,
"edit_work_requests": true,
"edit_others_work_requests": true,
"edit_private_work_requests": true,
"edit_published_work_requests": true,
"publish_work_requests": true,
"read_private_work_requests": true,
"read_work_requests": true,
"delete_external_clients": true,
"delete_others_external_clients": true,
"delete_private_external_clients": true,
"delete_published_external_clients": true,
"edit_external_clients": true,
"edit_others_external_clients": true,
"edit_private_external_clients": true,
"edit_published_external_clients": true,
"publish_external_clients": true,
"read_private_external_clients": true,
"read_external_clients": true,
"delete_folders": true,
"delete_others_folders": true,
"delete_private_folders": true,
"delete_published_folders": true,
"edit_folders": true,
"edit_others_folders": true,
"edit_private_folders": true,
"edit_published_folders": true,
"publish_folders": true,
"read_private_folders": true,
"read_folders": true,
"delete_subscribers": true,
"delete_others_subscribers": true,
"delete_private_subscribers": true,
"delete_published_subscribers": true,
"edit_subscribers": true,
"edit_others_subscribers": true,
"edit_private_subscribers": true,
"edit_published_subscribers": true,
"publish_subscribers": true,
"read_private_subscribers": true,
"read_subscribers": true,
"view_analytics": true,
"manage_workplace_settings": true,
"view_active_team_members": true,
"view_workplace_activity": true,
"manage_workplace_requests": true,
"super_manager": true
"data": {
"status": 200
In the response, we return additional information that you may find useful in your app. In your app, you may only want to render specific components if the user has the correct capability.
In your application, you may need to check and ensure that your token is valid. We have provided timestamps in the initial response for you to prompt the user to enter their password again to reauthenticate. Alternatively, you can make a POST request with the Bearer token in the head and we will provide a response based on if the token is valid or not.
"success": true,
"msg": "Token valid",
"data": {
"status": 200,
"exp": 1589576356,
"exp_date": "05/15/20 15:59:16 pm",
"now": 1589489977,
"time_now": "05/14/20 15:59:37 pm",
"site_time_zone": "America/Chicago"
"success": false,
"msg": "Token invalid",
"data": {
"status": 403
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/team-members/
"ID": "5ebdc33f1f70d",
"first_name": "Malik",
"last_name": "Tresha",
"phone": "8928675309",
"email": "",
"address": "892 Hillside Ave",
"address_line _2": "",
"city": "San Mateo",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94080",
"status": "punched_out",
"role": "Super Manager"
"ID": "5ebdc35058bce",
"first_name": "Tiffany",
"last_name": "Hill",
"phone": "4218675309",
"email": "",
"address": "421 Lighthouse Ave",
"address_line _2": "",
"city": "San Mateo",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94080",
"status": "punched_in",
"role": "Super Manager"
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/clients/
"ID": "5ebdc5d34473c",
"first_name": "Alex",
"last_name": "Hann",
"phone": "9999999999",
"email": "",
"billing_name": "Alex Hann",
"address": "892 Hillside Ave",
"address_line _2": "",
"city": "San Mateo",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94080",
"ID": "5ebdc5d34482a",
"first_name": "Sandra",
"last_name": "Smith",
"phone": "0000000000",
"email": "",
"billing_name": "Sandra Smith",
"address": "421 Lighthouse Ave",
"address_line _2": "",
"city": "San Mateo",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94080",
Being that Thriveific supports user capabilities you may only want to render specific elements to users only if they have a specific capability. When you authenticate a user in the response you will retrieve a JSON array of all their capabilities.
We have an endpoint that just returns all capabilities that we currently use in our internal app. The response can be seen here. Note that this is only intended to be useful when you're building an app where JWT is used as the form of authentication.
"team_member": [
"client": [
The time tracker API allows you to punch a user in, start a break, end a break, and punch a user out. If you are using the basic authentication method you must pass the user's email in the post request body.
PUNCH IN: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/punch-in/
START BREAK: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/start-break/
END BREAK: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/end-break/
PUNCH OUT: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/punch-out/
USER STATE: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/user-state/
Note* If you are using JWT Authorization you do not need to pass in anything for the body, just make a post to the endpoint this applies to all endpoints. You only need to pass in the user's email when you are using the basic authentication method. The response will be the same regardless of the authentication method. If you do pass in the email parameter using JWT Authorization it will be ignored.
POST : {{workplace_url}}api/thriveific/v1/punch-in
"email": ""
"success": true,
"icon": "fas fa-hand-rock",
"title": "Welcome",
"msg": "Punched In",
"state": {
"status": "punched_in",
"active_time_log": 1360,
"last_activity_time": 1589512898
"record_task": false,
"time_log_id": 1360,
"object": {
"ID": 1360,
"start_time": "1589512898",
"breaks": [],
"end_time": null,
"task": "0",
"time_worked": "",
"seconds_worked": "",
"hours_worked": "",
"paid": "",
"author": {
"ID": "USER ID",
"email": "USER EMAIL",
If you are trying to punch in and if the user is currently punched in you will get the following response.
"success": false,
"icon": "fas fa-hand-rock",
"title": "Error",
"msg": "User is already punched in"
POST : {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/start-break
"email": ""
"success": true,
"icon": "fas fa-cookie-bite",
"title": "On Break",
"msg": "Enjoy your break",
"state": {
"status": "on_break",
"active_time_log": 1360,
"last_activity_time": 1589512950
"object": {
"ID": 1360,
"start_time": "1589512898",
"breaks": [
"start_time": 1589512950,
"end_time": null
"end_time": null,
"task": "0",
"time_worked": "",
"seconds_worked": "",
"hours_worked": "",
"paid": "",
"author": {
"ID": "USER ID",
"email": "USER EMAIL",
If you are attempting to start a break and if the user stats is not equal to "punched_in" you will receive the below response. We only allow a user to start a break their state in punched in.
"success": false,
"icon": "fas fa-hand-rock",
"title": "Error",
"msg": "User is not punched in"
POST : {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/end-break
"email": ""
"success": true,
"icon": "fas fa-hand-rock",
"title": "Punched In",
"msg": "Welcome Back",
"state": {
"status": "punched_in",
"active_time_log": 1360,
"last_activity_time": 1589512968
"object": {
"ID": 1360,
"start_time": "1589512898",
"breaks": [
"start_time": 1589512950,
"end_time": 1589512968
"end_time": null,
"task": "0",
"time_worked": "",
"seconds_worked": "",
"hours_worked": "",
"paid": "",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
If you try to end a break for a user and they are currently not "on_break" you will receive the following response.
"success": false,
"icon": "fas fa-hand-rock",
"title": "Error",
"msg": "User is not on break"
"email": ""
POST : {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/punch-out
"success": true,
"icon": "fas fa-hand-rock",
"title": "Punched Out",
"msg": "You're punched out",
"state": {
"status": "punched_out",
"active_time_log": 1360,
"last_activity_time": 1589512984
"object": {
"ID": 1360,
"start_time": "1589512898",
"breaks": [
"start_time": 1589512950,
"end_time": 1589512968
"end_time": "1589512984",
"task": "0",
"time_worked": {
"years": 0,
"months": 0,
"days": 0,
"hours": 0,
"minutes": 1,
"seconds": 8
"seconds_worked": "68",
"hours_worked": "0.018888888888889",
"paid": "",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
If the user is not "punched_in" or "on_break" you will receive the following response. A user can only be punched out of they are on break or punched on. If they are on break, we will close out that break and punch the user out. You do not need to end a break before punching a user out.
"success": true,
"icon": "fas fa-hand-rock",
"title": "Punched Out",
"msg": "You're punched out",
"state": {
"status": "punched_out",
"active_time_log": 1360,
"last_activity_time": 1589512984
"object": {
"ID": 1360,
"start_time": "1589512898",
"breaks": [
"start_time": 1589512950,
"end_time": 1589512968
"end_time": "1589512984",
"task": "0",
"time_worked": {
"years": 0,
"months": 0,
"days": 0,
"hours": 0,
"minutes": 1,
"seconds": 8
"seconds_worked": "68",
"hours_worked": "0.018888888888889",
"paid": "",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
POST : {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/user-state
Status of user: This will either be "punched_in", "on_break" or "punched_out"
The ID of the user's time log. This is only seen if the user is punched in.
Time in unix the of the last time the user punched in or out.
"email": ""
"status": "punched_in",
"active_time_log": 1362,
"last_activity_time": 1589513796
The SMS API allows you to send
POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/send-sms/
Required Params: message, phone_number
message stringRequired
SMS message contents
SMS message body
POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/send-sms/
"phone_number": "0000000000",
"message": "SMS from API"
"success": true,
"message": "SMS sent",
"body": {
"phone_number": "0000000000",
"message": "SMS from API"
"success": false,
"title": "Error",
"msg": "Please check your Twilio integration."
"success": false,
"title": "Error",
"msg": "Phone number is required"
"success": false,
"title": "Error",
"msg": "Message is required"
POST, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/announcements/
PUT, DELETE, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/announcements/80
Required Params: title, content
title stringRequired
String to identify object
Content area
POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/announcements/
"title": "Announcements Title",
"content": "Announcements Content"
"success": true,
"title": "Success",
"icon": "fas fa-bullhorn",
"msg": "Announcement created",
"body": {
"title": "Announcements Title",
"content": "Announcements Content"
"object": {
"ID": 80,
"title": "Announcements Title",
"content": "Announcements Content",
"content_sanitized": "Announcements Content",
"date": "04/23/2021",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
PUT, POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/announcements/80
"title": "Announcements New Title",
"content": "Announcements New Content"
"success": true,
"title": "Updated",
"icon": "fas fa-bullhorn",
"msg": "Announcement updated",
"body": {
"title": "Announcements New Title",
"content": "Announcements New Content"
"object": {
"ID": "80",
"title": "Announcements New Title",
"content": "Announcements New Content",
"content_sanitized": "Announcements New Content",
"date": "04/23/2021",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/announcements/
"ID": 80,
"title": "Announcements New Title",
"content": "Announcements New Content",
"content_sanitized": "Announcements New Content",
"date": "04/23/2021",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
If you append the get url with the ID of an Announcement the single result will be returned.
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/announcements/80
"ID": "80",
"title": "Announcements New Title",
"content": "Announcements New Content",
"content_sanitized": "Announcements New Content",
"date": "04/23/2021",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
DELETE: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/announcements/80
"ID": "80",
"success": true,
"icon": "fas fa-bullhorn",
"title": "Deleted",
"msg": "Announcement deleted",
"object": {
"ID": "80",
"title": "Announcements New Title",
"content": "Announcements New Content",
"content_sanitized": "Announcements New Content",
"date": "04/23/2021",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"time": "04/23/21 20:48:24 pm"
POST, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/audiences/
PUT, DELETE, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/audiences/81
Required Params: title
title stringRequired
String to identify object
Text phrase that will add users to thr audience. Requires Twilio integration.
POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/audiences/
"title": "Subscribe Text Compaign",
"text_code": "subscribe"
"success": true,
"title": "Success",
"icon": "fas fa-users",
"msg": "Audience created",
"body": {
"title": "Subscribe Text Compaign",
"text_code": "subscribe"
"object": {
"ID": 81,
"title": "Subscribe Text Compaign",
"audience_id": "43ec517d68b6edd3015b3edc9a11367b",
"text_code": "subscribe",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
PUT, POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/audiences/81
"title": "Join Text Compaign",
"text_code": "Join"
"success": true,
"title": "Updated",
"icon": "fas fa-users",
"msg": "Audience updated",
"body": {
"title": "Join Text Compaign",
"text_code": "Join"
"object": {
"ID": "81",
"title": "Join Text Compaign",
"audience_id": "43ec517d68b6edd3015b3edc9a11367b",
"text_code": "Join",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/audiences/
"ID": 81,
"title": "Join Text Compaign",
"audience_id": "43ec517d68b6edd3015b3edc9a11367b",
"text_code": "Join",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
If you append the get url with the ID of an Audience the single result will be returned.
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/audiences/81
"ID": "81",
"title": "Join Text Compaign",
"audience_id": "43ec517d68b6edd3015b3edc9a11367b",
"text_code": "Join",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
DELETE: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/audiences/81
"ID": "81",
"success": true,
"icon": "fas fa-users",
"title": "Deleted",
"msg": "Audience deleted",
"object": {
"ID": "81",
"title": "Join Text Compaign",
"audience_id": "43ec517d68b6edd3015b3edc9a11367b",
"text_code": "Join",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"time": "04/23/21 20:48:26 pm"
POST, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/boards/
PUT, DELETE, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/boards/103
Required Params:
title string
Title to identify board
Board content area
Card relating to board
Items in card
true or false board value id board should be public
POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/boards/
"title": "My Board",
"public": 0,
"cards": [
"title": "Todo",
"items": [
"title": "Item 1"
"title": "Doing",
"items": [
"title": "Item 1"
"title": "Item 2"
"title": "Done",
"items": [
"title": "Item 1"
"title": "Item 2"
"success": true,
"title": "Success",
"icon": "fas fa-chalkboard",
"msg": "Board created",
"body": {
"title": "My Board",
"public": 0,
"cards": [
"title": "Todo",
"items": [
"title": "Item 1"
"title": "Doing",
"items": [
"title": "Item 1"
"title": "Item 2"
"title": "Done",
"items": [
"title": "Item 1"
"title": "Item 2"
"object": {
"ID": 103,
"title": "My Board",
"cards": [
"title": "Todo",
"items": [
"title": "Item 1"
"title": "Doing",
"items": [
"title": "Item 1"
"title": "Item 2"
"title": "Done",
"items": [
"title": "Item 1"
"title": "Item 2"
"date": "Friday April 23, 2021",
"status": "private",
"public": 0,
"url": "",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
PUT, POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/boards/103
"title": "My Board",
"public": 0,
"cards": [
"title": "Todo",
"items": [
"title": "Item 1"
"title": "Doing",
"items": [
"title": "Item 1"
"title": "Item 2"
"title": "Done",
"items": [
"title": "Item 1"
"title": "Item 2"
"success": true,
"title": "Updated",
"icon": "fas fa-chalkboard",
"msg": "Board updated",
"body": {
"title": "My Board",
"public": 0,
"cards": [
"title": "Todo",
"items": [
"title": "Item 1"
"title": "Doing",
"items": [
"title": "Item 1"
"title": "Item 2"
"title": "Done",
"items": [
"title": "Item 1"
"title": "Item 2"
"object": {
"ID": "103",
"title": "My Board",
"cards": [
"title": "Todo",
"items": [
"title": "Item 1"
"title": "Doing",
"items": [
"title": "Item 1"
"title": "Item 2"
"title": "Done",
"items": [
"title": "Item 1"
"title": "Item 2"
"date": "Friday April 23, 2021",
"status": "private",
"public": 0,
"url": "",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/boards/
"ID": 103,
"title": "My Board",
"cards": [
"title": "Todo",
"items": [
"title": "Item 1"
"title": "Doing",
"items": [
"title": "Item 1"
"title": "Item 2"
"title": "Done",
"items": [
"title": "Item 1"
"title": "Item 2"
"date": "Friday April 23, 2021",
"status": "private",
"public": 0,
"url": "",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
If you append the get url with the ID of an Board the single result will be returned.
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/boards/103
"ID": "103",
"title": "My Board",
"cards": [
"title": "Todo",
"items": [
"title": "Item 1"
"title": "Doing",
"items": [
"title": "Item 1"
"title": "Item 2"
"title": "Done",
"items": [
"title": "Item 1"
"title": "Item 2"
"date": "Friday April 23, 2021",
"status": "private",
"public": 0,
"url": "",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
DELETE: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/boards/103
"ID": "103",
"success": true,
"icon": "fas fa-chalkboard",
"title": "Deleted",
"msg": "Board deleted",
"object": {
"ID": "103",
"title": "My Board",
"cards": [
"title": "Todo",
"items": [
"title": "Item 1"
"title": "Doing",
"items": [
"title": "Item 1"
"title": "Item 2"
"title": "Done",
"items": [
"title": "Item 1"
"title": "Item 2"
"date": "Friday April 23, 2021",
"status": "trash",
"public": 0,
"url": "",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"time": "04/23/21 20:49:06 pm"
POST, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/client-resources/
PUT, DELETE, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/client-resources/83
Required Params: title
title stringRequired
String to identify client resource.
Client resource content area.
POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/client-resources/
"title": "Client Resource Title",
"content": "Client Resource Content"
"success": true,
"title": "Success",
"icon": "fas fa-cloud",
"msg": "Client resource created",
"body": {
"title": "Client Resource Title",
"content": "Client Resource Content"
"object": {
"ID": 83,
"title": "Client Resource Title",
"content": "Client Resource Content",
"content_sanitized": "Client Resource Content",
"author": {
"id": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
PUT, POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/client-resources/83
"title": "Client Resource New Title",
"content": "Client Resource New Content"
"success": true,
"title": "Updated",
"icon": "fas fa-cloud",
"msg": "Client resource updated",
"body": {
"title": "Client Resource New Title",
"content": "Client Resource New Content"
"object": {
"ID": "83",
"title": "Client Resource New Title",
"content": "Client Resource New Content",
"content_sanitized": "Client Resource New Content",
"author": {
"id": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/client-resources/
"ID": 83,
"title": "Client Resource New Title",
"content": "Client Resource New Content",
"content_sanitized": "Client Resource New Content",
"author": {
"id": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
If you append the get url with the ID of an Client Resource the single result will be returned.
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/client-resources/83
"ID": "83",
"title": "Client Resource New Title",
"content": "Client Resource New Content",
"content_sanitized": "Client Resource New Content",
"author": {
"id": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
DELETE: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/client-resources/83
"ID": "83",
"success": true,
"icon": "fas fa-cloud",
"title": "Deleted",
"msg": "Client resource deleted",
"object": {
"ID": "83",
"title": "Client Resource New Title",
"content": "Client Resource New Content",
"content_sanitized": "Client Resource New Content",
"author": {
"id": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"time": "04/23/21 20:48:30 pm"
POST, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/client-notes/
PUT, DELETE, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/client-notes/82
Required Params: client, note
note stringRequired
Note content area
Client email, client id, or external client object id
POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/client-notes/
"note": "Client note content.",
"client": "3"
"success": true,
"title": "Success",
"icon": "fas fa-sticky-note",
"msg": "Client note created",
"body": {
"note": "Client note content.",
"client": "3"
"object": {
"ID": 82,
"date": "April 23, 2021",
"note": "Client note content.",
"client": "3",
"external_client": "1",
"client_details": {
"ID": "3",
"first_name": "Sandra",
"last_name": "Smith",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": "",
"billing_name": "Sandra Smith",
"address": "892 Kingdom Lane",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "San Mateo",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94080"
"author": {
"id": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
PUT, POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/client-notes/82
"title": "Client note new content",
"client": "3"
"success": true,
"title": "Updated",
"icon": "fas fa-sticky-note",
"msg": "Client note updated",
"body": {
"title": "Client note new content",
"client": "3"
"object": {
"ID": "82",
"date": "April 23, 2021",
"note": "Client note content.",
"client": "3",
"external_client": "1",
"client_details": {
"ID": "3",
"first_name": "Sandra",
"last_name": "Smith",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": "",
"billing_name": "Sandra Smith",
"address": "892 Kingdom Lane",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "San Mateo",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94080"
"author": {
"id": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/client-notes/
"ID": 82,
"date": "April 23, 2021",
"note": "Client note content.",
"client": "3",
"external_client": "1",
"client_details": {
"ID": "3",
"first_name": "Sandra",
"last_name": "Smith",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": "",
"billing_name": "Sandra Smith",
"address": "892 Kingdom Lane",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "San Mateo",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94080"
"author": {
"id": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
If you append the get url with the ID of an Client Note the single result will be returned.
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/client-notes/82
"ID": "82",
"date": "April 23, 2021",
"note": "Client note content.",
"client": "3",
"external_client": "1",
"client_details": {
"ID": "3",
"first_name": "Sandra",
"last_name": "Smith",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": "",
"billing_name": "Sandra Smith",
"address": "892 Kingdom Lane",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "San Mateo",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94080"
"author": {
"id": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
DELETE: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/client-notes/82
"ID": "82",
"success": true,
"icon": "fas fa-sticky-note",
"title": "Deleted",
"msg": "Client note deleted",
"object": {
"ID": "82",
"date": "April 23, 2021",
"note": "Client note content.",
"client": "3",
"external_client": "1",
"client_details": {
"ID": "3",
"first_name": "Sandra",
"last_name": "Smith",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": "",
"billing_name": "Sandra Smith",
"address": "892 Kingdom Lane",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "San Mateo",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94080"
"author": {
"id": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"time": "04/23/21 20:48:28 pm"
POST, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/documents/
PUT, DELETE, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/documents/84
Required Params: title, content, parties
title stringRequired
String to identify object
Parties that need to sign the form
Parties that need to sign the form
Content area
Must be true is if you would like to have a member of your business to sign
POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/documents/
"title": "Documents Title",
"content": "Documents Content",
"enable_company_parties": "1",
"company_parties": [
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim",
"email": ""
"parties": [
"full_name": "Sandra Smith",
"email": ""
"success": true,
"title": "Success",
"icon": "fas fa-file-contract",
"msg": "Document created",
"body": {
"title": "Documents Title",
"content": "Documents Content",
"enable_company_parties": "1",
"company_parties": [
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim",
"email": ""
"parties": [
"full_name": "Sandra Smith",
"email": ""
"object": {
"ID": 84,
"status": "draft",
"token": "",
"title": "Documents Title",
"actual_status": "private",
"enable_company_parties": "1",
"company_parties": [
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim",
"email": ""
"parties": [
"full_name": "Sandra Smith",
"email": ""
"content": "Documents Content",
"pdf_content": "Documents Content",
"content_sanitized": "Documents Content",
"business_information": {
"name": "Thriveific",
"email": "",
"phone": "",
"address": "",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "",
"state": "",
"zip": ""
"url": "",
"trail": [
"time": 1619228910,
"type": "created",
"message": "Document created",
"event_data": {
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"company_parties": [
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim",
"email": ""
"parties": [
"full_name": "Sandra Smith",
"email": ""
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
PUT, POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/documents/84
"title": "Documents Title",
"content": "Documents Content",
"enable_company_parties": "1",
"company_parties": [
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim",
"email": ""
"parties": [
"full_name": "Sandra Smith",
"email": ""
"success": true,
"title": "Updated",
"icon": "fas fa-file-contract",
"msg": "Document updated",
"body": {
"title": "Documents Title",
"content": "Documents Content",
"enable_company_parties": "1",
"company_parties": [
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim",
"email": ""
"parties": [
"full_name": "Sandra Smith",
"email": ""
"object": {
"ID": "84",
"status": "draft",
"token": "",
"title": "Documents Title",
"actual_status": "private",
"enable_company_parties": "1",
"company_parties": [
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim",
"email": ""
"parties": [
"full_name": "Sandra Smith",
"email": ""
"content": "Documents Content",
"pdf_content": "Documents Content",
"content_sanitized": "Documents Content",
"business_information": {
"name": "Thriveific",
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"address_line_2": "",
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"url": "",
"trail": [
"time": 1619228910,
"type": "created",
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"event_data": {
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"company_parties": [
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim",
"email": ""
"parties": [
"full_name": "Sandra Smith",
"email": ""
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/documents/
"ID": 84,
"status": "draft",
"token": "",
"title": "Documents Title",
"actual_status": "private",
"enable_company_parties": "1",
"company_parties": [
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim",
"email": ""
"parties": [
"full_name": "Sandra Smith",
"email": ""
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"pdf_content": "Documents Content",
"content_sanitized": "Documents Content",
"business_information": {
"name": "Thriveific",
"email": "",
"phone": "",
"address": "",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "",
"state": "",
"zip": ""
"url": "",
"trail": [
"time": 1619228910,
"type": "created",
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"event_data": {
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"company_parties": [
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim",
"email": ""
"parties": [
"full_name": "Sandra Smith",
"email": ""
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
If you append the get url with the ID of an Document the single result will be returned.
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/documents/84
"ID": "84",
"status": "draft",
"token": "",
"title": "Documents Title",
"actual_status": "private",
"enable_company_parties": "1",
"company_parties": [
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim",
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"full_name": "Sandra Smith",
"email": ""
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"pdf_content": "Documents Content",
"content_sanitized": "Documents Content",
"business_information": {
"name": "Thriveific",
"email": "",
"phone": "",
"address": "",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "",
"state": "",
"zip": ""
"url": "",
"trail": [
"time": 1619228910,
"type": "created",
"message": "Document created",
"event_data": {
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"title": "Documents Title",
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"company_parties": [
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim",
"email": ""
"parties": [
"full_name": "Sandra Smith",
"email": ""
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
DELETE: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/documents/84
"ID": "84",
"success": true,
"icon": "fas fa-file-contract",
"title": "Deleted",
"msg": "Document deleted",
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"ID": "84",
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"token": "",
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"actual_status": "trash",
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"company_parties": [
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim",
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"parties": [
"full_name": "Sandra Smith",
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"business_information": {
"name": "Thriveific",
"email": "",
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"address": "",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "",
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"zip": ""
"url": "",
"trail": [
"time": 1619228910,
"type": "created",
"message": "Document created",
"event_data": {
"post_id": 84,
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"company_parties": [
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim",
"email": ""
"parties": [
"full_name": "Sandra Smith",
"email": ""
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"time": "04/23/21 20:48:31 pm"
POST, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/document-templates/
PUT, DELETE, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/document-templates/85
Required Params: title, content
title stringRequired
String to identify object
Parties that need to sign the form
Parties that need to sign the document
Content area
Must be true is if you would like to have a member of your business to sign
POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/document-templates/
"title": "Documents Title",
"content": "Documents Content",
"enable_company_parties": "1",
"company_parties": [
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim",
"email": ""
"parties": [
"full_name": "Sandra Smith",
"email": ""
"success": true,
"title": "Success",
"icon": "fas fa-file-contract",
"msg": "Document template created",
"body": {
"title": "Documents Title",
"content": "Documents Content",
"enable_company_parties": "1",
"company_parties": [
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim",
"email": ""
"parties": [
"full_name": "Sandra Smith",
"email": ""
"object": {
"ID": 85,
"title": "Documents Title",
"content": "Documents Content",
"content_sanitized": "Documents Content",
"date": "04/23/2021",
"enable_company_parties": "1",
"company_parties": [
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim",
"email": ""
"parties": [
"full_name": "Sandra Smith",
"email": ""
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
PUT, POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/document-templates/85
"title": "Documents Title",
"content": "Documents Content",
"enable_company_parties": "1",
"company_parties": [
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim",
"email": ""
"parties": [
"full_name": "Sandra Smith",
"email": ""
"success": true,
"title": "Updated",
"icon": "fas fa-file-contract",
"msg": "Document template updated",
"body": {
"title": "Documents Title",
"content": "Documents Content",
"enable_company_parties": "1",
"company_parties": [
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim",
"email": ""
"parties": [
"full_name": "Sandra Smith",
"email": ""
"object": {
"ID": "85",
"title": "Documents Title",
"content": "Documents Content",
"content_sanitized": "Documents Content",
"date": "04/23/2021",
"enable_company_parties": "1",
"company_parties": [
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim",
"email": ""
"parties": [
"full_name": "Sandra Smith",
"email": ""
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/document-templates/
"ID": 85,
"title": "Documents Title",
"content": "Documents Content",
"content_sanitized": "Documents Content",
"date": "04/23/2021",
"enable_company_parties": "1",
"company_parties": [
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim",
"email": ""
"parties": [
"full_name": "Sandra Smith",
"email": ""
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
If you append the get url with the ID of an Document Template the single result will be returned.
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/document-templates/85
"ID": "85",
"title": "Documents Title",
"content": "Documents Content",
"content_sanitized": "Documents Content",
"date": "04/23/2021",
"enable_company_parties": "1",
"company_parties": [
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim",
"email": ""
"parties": [
"full_name": "Sandra Smith",
"email": ""
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
DELETE: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/document-templates/85
"ID": "85",
"success": true,
"icon": "fas fa-file-contract",
"title": "Deleted",
"msg": "Document template deleted",
"object": {
"ID": "85",
"title": "Documents Title",
"content": "Documents Content",
"content_sanitized": "Documents Content",
"date": "04/23/2021",
"enable_company_parties": "1",
"company_parties": [
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim",
"email": ""
"parties": [
"full_name": "Sandra Smith",
"email": ""
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"time": "04/23/21 20:48:33 pm"
POST, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/email-broadcasts/
PUT, DELETE, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/email-broadcasts/86
Required Params: title, content
title stringRequired
Email broadcast subject line.
Email broadcast body content.
POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/email-broadcasts/
"title": "Email Broadcast Title",
"content": "Email Broadcast Content"
"success": true,
"title": "Success",
"icon": "fas fa-envelope",
"msg": "Email broadcast created",
"body": {
"title": "Email Broadcast Title",
"content": "Email Broadcast Content"
"object": {
"ID": 86,
"title": "Email Broadcast Title",
"content": "Email Broadcast Content",
"content_sanitized": "Email Broadcast Content",
"status": "draft",
"progress": "0",
"report": "",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
PUT, POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/email-broadcasts/86
"title": "Email Broadcast New Title",
"content": "Email Broadcast New Content"
"success": true,
"title": "Updated",
"icon": "fas fa-envelope",
"msg": "Email broadcast updated",
"body": {
"title": "Email Broadcast New Title",
"content": "Email Broadcast New Content"
"object": {
"ID": "86",
"title": "Email Broadcast New Title",
"content": "Email Broadcast New Content",
"content_sanitized": "Email Broadcast New Content",
"status": "draft",
"progress": "0",
"report": "",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/email-broadcasts/
"ID": 86,
"title": "Email Broadcast New Title",
"content": "Email Broadcast New Content",
"content_sanitized": "Email Broadcast New Content",
"status": "draft",
"progress": "0",
"report": "",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
If you append the get url with the ID of an Email Broadcast the single result will be returned.
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/email-broadcasts/86
"ID": "86",
"title": "Email Broadcast New Title",
"content": "Email Broadcast New Content",
"content_sanitized": "Email Broadcast New Content",
"status": "draft",
"progress": "0",
"report": "",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
DELETE: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/email-broadcasts/86
"ID": "86",
"success": true,
"icon": "fas fa-envelope",
"title": "Deleted",
"msg": "Email broadcast deleted",
"object": {
"ID": "86",
"title": "Email Broadcast New Title",
"content": "Email Broadcast New Content",
"content_sanitized": "Email Broadcast New Content",
"status": "draft",
"progress": "0",
"report": "",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"time": "04/23/21 20:48:35 pm"
POST, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/expenses/
PUT, DELETE, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/expenses/87
Required Params: title, amount, date
title stringRequired
String to identify expense.
Total amount of expense.
Notes in relation to expense.
Expense merchant or vendor.
Date of expense. Format: MM/DD/YYYY
ID of project object expense is linked to.
POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/expenses/
"title": "Expense Title",
"amount": "97",
"notes": "Expense notes.",
"merchant": "Expense merchant.",
"date": "4/21/2020",
"project_id": "27"
"success": true,
"title": "Success",
"icon": "far fa-credit-card",
"msg": "Expense created",
"body": {
"title": "Expense Title",
"amount": "97",
"notes": "Expense notes.",
"merchant": "Expense merchant.",
"date": "4/21/2020",
"project_id": "27"
"object": {
"ID": 87,
"title": "Expense Title",
"merchant": "Expense merchant.",
"date": "1587445200",
"amount": "97",
"notes": "Expense notes.",
"project_id": "27",
"project": {
"ID": "27",
"title": "Glover PLC",
"client": "5",
"external_client": "1",
"client_details": {
"ID": "5",
"first_name": "Kolby",
"last_name": "Wolff",
"phone": "641-650-4328",
"email": "",
"billing_name": "Hammes and Sons",
"address": "651 Lehner Groves Suite 000",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "Rachaelton",
"state": "South Carolina",
"zip": "54039-9032"
"team_members": null,
"status": "draft",
"completion_date": false,
"content_sanitized": "",
"content": "",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Fri April 23 2021 at 20:47:48 pm"
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Tue April 21 2020 at 00:00:00 am"
PUT, POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/expenses/87
"title": "Expense New Title",
"amount": "97.99",
"notes": "Expense new notes.",
"merchant": "Expense new merchant.",
"date": "4/21/2021",
"project_id": "27"
"success": true,
"title": "Updated",
"icon": "far fa-credit-card",
"msg": "Expense updated",
"body": {
"title": "Expense New Title",
"amount": "97.99",
"notes": "Expense new notes.",
"merchant": "Expense new merchant.",
"date": "4/21/2021",
"project_id": "27"
"object": {
"ID": "87",
"title": "Expense New Title",
"merchant": "Expense new merchant.",
"date": "1618981200",
"amount": "97.99",
"notes": "Expense new notes.",
"project_id": "27",
"project": {
"ID": "27",
"title": "Glover PLC",
"client": "5",
"external_client": "1",
"client_details": {
"ID": "5",
"first_name": "Kolby",
"last_name": "Wolff",
"phone": "641-650-4328",
"email": "",
"billing_name": "Hammes and Sons",
"address": "651 Lehner Groves Suite 000",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "Rachaelton",
"state": "South Carolina",
"zip": "54039-9032"
"team_members": null,
"status": "draft",
"completion_date": false,
"content_sanitized": "",
"content": "",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Fri April 23 2021 at 20:47:48 pm"
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Wed April 21 2021 at 00:00:00 am"
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/expenses/
"ID": 87,
"title": "Expense New Title",
"merchant": "Expense new merchant.",
"date": "1618981200",
"amount": "97.99",
"notes": "Expense new notes.",
"project_id": "27",
"project": {
"ID": "27",
"title": "Glover PLC",
"client": "5",
"external_client": "1",
"client_details": {
"ID": "5",
"first_name": "Kolby",
"last_name": "Wolff",
"phone": "641-650-4328",
"email": "",
"billing_name": "Hammes and Sons",
"address": "651 Lehner Groves Suite 000",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "Rachaelton",
"state": "South Carolina",
"zip": "54039-9032"
"team_members": null,
"status": "draft",
"completion_date": false,
"content_sanitized": "",
"content": "",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Fri April 23 2021 at 20:47:48 pm"
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Wed April 21 2021 at 00:00:00 am"
If you append the get url with the ID of an Expense the single result will be returned.
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/expenses/87
"ID": "87",
"title": "Expense New Title",
"merchant": "Expense new merchant.",
"date": "1618981200",
"amount": "97.99",
"notes": "Expense new notes.",
"project_id": "27",
"project": {
"ID": "27",
"title": "Glover PLC",
"client": "5",
"external_client": "1",
"client_details": {
"ID": "5",
"first_name": "Kolby",
"last_name": "Wolff",
"phone": "641-650-4328",
"email": "",
"billing_name": "Hammes and Sons",
"address": "651 Lehner Groves Suite 000",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "Rachaelton",
"state": "South Carolina",
"zip": "54039-9032"
"team_members": null,
"status": "draft",
"completion_date": false,
"content_sanitized": "",
"content": "",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Fri April 23 2021 at 20:47:48 pm"
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Wed April 21 2021 at 00:00:00 am"
DELETE: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/expenses/87
"ID": "87",
"success": true,
"icon": "far fa-credit-card",
"title": "Deleted",
"msg": "Expense deleted",
"object": {
"ID": "87",
"title": "Expense New Title",
"merchant": "Expense new merchant.",
"date": "1618981200",
"amount": "97.99",
"notes": "Expense new notes.",
"project_id": "27",
"project": {
"ID": "27",
"title": "Glover PLC",
"client": "5",
"external_client": "1",
"client_details": {
"ID": "5",
"first_name": "Kolby",
"last_name": "Wolff",
"phone": "641-650-4328",
"email": "",
"billing_name": "Hammes and Sons",
"address": "651 Lehner Groves Suite 000",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "Rachaelton",
"state": "South Carolina",
"zip": "54039-9032"
"team_members": null,
"status": "draft",
"completion_date": false,
"content_sanitized": "",
"content": "",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Fri April 23 2021 at 20:47:48 pm"
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Wed April 21 2021 at 00:00:00 am"
"time": "04/23/21 20:48:37 pm"
POST, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/external-clients/
PUT, DELETE, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/external-clients/88
Required Params: first_name, email
first_name stringRequired
Client first name
Client last name
Client billing name
Client email address
Client phone number
Client address
Client address line 2
Client city
Client state
Client zip code
POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/external-clients/
"first_name": "Sandra",
"last_name": "Smith",
"billing_name": "Sandra Smith LLC",
"email": "",
"phone_number": "000000000",
"address": "892",
"address_line_2": "Sunny Hills Lane",
"city": "San Mateo",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94080"
"success": true,
"title": "Success",
"icon": "fas fa-user-tie",
"msg": "External client created",
"body": {
"first_name": "Sandra",
"last_name": "Smith",
"billing_name": "Sandra Smith LLC",
"email": "",
"phone_number": "000000000",
"address": "892",
"address_line_2": "Sunny Hills Lane",
"city": "San Mateo",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94080"
"object": {
"ID": 88,
"first_name": "Sandra",
"last_name": "Smith",
"phone": "000000000",
"email": "",
"billing_name": "Sandra Smith LLC",
"address": "892",
"address_line_2": "Sunny Hills Lane",
"city": "San Mateo",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94080",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
PUT, POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/external-clients/88
"first_name": "Sandra M.",
"last_name": "Smith",
"billing_name": "Sandra Smith Clothing Co",
"email": "",
"phone_number": "9999999999",
"address": "421",
"address_line_2": "Hillside Blvd",
"city": "San Mateo",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94080"
"success": true,
"title": "Updated",
"icon": "fas fa-user-tie",
"msg": "External client updated",
"body": {
"first_name": "Sandra M.",
"last_name": "Smith",
"billing_name": "Sandra Smith Clothing Co",
"email": "",
"phone_number": "9999999999",
"address": "421",
"address_line_2": "Hillside Blvd",
"city": "San Mateo",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94080"
"object": {
"ID": "88",
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"email": "",
"billing_name": "Sandra Smith Clothing Co",
"address": "421",
"address_line_2": "Hillside Blvd",
"city": "San Mateo",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94080",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/external-clients/
"ID": 88,
"first_name": "Sandra M.",
"last_name": "Smith",
"phone": "9999999999",
"email": "",
"billing_name": "Sandra Smith Clothing Co",
"address": "421",
"address_line_2": "Hillside Blvd",
"city": "San Mateo",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94080",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
If you append the get url with the ID of an External Client the single result will be returned.
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/external-clients/88
"ID": "88",
"first_name": "Sandra M.",
"last_name": "Smith",
"phone": "9999999999",
"email": "",
"billing_name": "Sandra Smith Clothing Co",
"address": "421",
"address_line_2": "Hillside Blvd",
"city": "San Mateo",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94080",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
DELETE: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/external-clients/88
"ID": "88",
"success": true,
"icon": "fas fa-user-tie",
"title": "Deleted",
"msg": "External client deleted",
"object": {
"ID": "88",
"first_name": "Sandra M.",
"last_name": "Smith",
"phone": "9999999999",
"email": "",
"billing_name": "Sandra Smith Clothing Co",
"address": "421",
"address_line_2": "Hillside Blvd",
"city": "San Mateo",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94080",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"time": "04/23/21 20:48:38 pm"
POST, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/internal-resources/
PUT, DELETE, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/internal-resources/90
Required Params: title
title stringRequired
Title to identify internal resource
Internal resource content area
POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/internal-resources/
"title": "Internal Resource Title",
"content": "Internal Resource Content"
"success": true,
"title": "Success",
"icon": "fas fa-file-alt",
"msg": "Internal resource created",
"body": {
"title": "Internal Resource Title",
"content": "Internal Resource Content"
"object": {
"ID": 90,
"title": "Internal Resource Title",
"content": "Internal Resource Content",
"content_sanitized": "Internal Resource Content",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
PUT, POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/internal-resources/90
"title": "Internal Resource New Title",
"content": "Internal Resource New Content"
"success": true,
"title": "Updated",
"icon": "fas fa-file-alt",
"msg": "Internal resource updated",
"body": {
"title": "Internal Resource New Title",
"content": "Internal Resource New Content"
"object": {
"ID": "90",
"title": "Internal Resource New Title",
"content": "Internal Resource New Content",
"content_sanitized": "Internal Resource New Content",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/internal-resources/
"ID": 90,
"title": "Internal Resource New Title",
"content": "Internal Resource New Content",
"content_sanitized": "Internal Resource New Content",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
If you append the get url with the ID of an Internal Resource the single result will be returned.
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/internal-resources/90
"ID": "90",
"title": "Internal Resource New Title",
"content": "Internal Resource New Content",
"content_sanitized": "Internal Resource New Content",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
DELETE: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/internal-resources/90
"ID": "90",
"success": true,
"icon": "fas fa-file-alt",
"title": "Deleted",
"msg": "Internal resource deleted",
"object": {
"ID": "90",
"title": "Internal Resource New Title",
"content": "Internal Resource New Content",
"content_sanitized": "Internal Resource New Content",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"time": "04/23/21 20:48:42 pm"
POST, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/invoices/
PUT, DELETE, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/invoices/91
Required Params: title, client, due_date, items
title stringRequired
Title to identify invoice
Client email, client id, or external client object id
Object of invoice line items. items, quantity, amount
Invoice content area
Date to indicate due date of invoice
True to notify client and make email payable
Custom tax precentage for invoice
True if you are using a custom tax rate
ID of project object that invoice is linked to
POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/invoices/
"title": "Invoice Title",
"client": "3",
"notify_client": "0",
"project_id": "4",
"due_date": "10/30/2020",
"memo": "Attached is the invoice for the work that has been complete.",
"items": [
"item": "Back End Development",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": 500
"item": "Front End Development",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": 10000
"success": true,
"title": "Success",
"icon": "fas fa-file-invoice-dollar",
"msg": "Invoice created",
"body": {
"title": "Invoice Title",
"client": "3",
"notify_client": "0",
"project_id": "4",
"due_date": "10/30/2020",
"memo": "Attached is the invoice for the work that has been complete.",
"items": [
"item": "Back End Development",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": 500
"item": "Front End Development",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": 10000
"object": {
"ID": 91,
"title": "Invoice Title",
"items": [
"item": "Back End Development",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": "500"
"item": "Front End Development",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": "10000"
"status": "draft",
"total": "10500",
"custom_tax_rate": "0",
"tax_rate": "0",
"tax": "0",
"due_date": "10/30/2020",
"invoice_number": "THRIVEIFIC-6",
"content": "",
"pdf_content": "",
"client": "3",
"external_client": "1",
"business_information": {
"name": "Thriveific",
"email": "",
"phone": "",
"address": "",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "",
"state": "",
"zip": ""
"client_details": {
"ID": "3",
"first_name": "Sandra",
"last_name": "Smith",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": "",
"billing_name": "Sandra Smith",
"address": "892 Kingdom Lane",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "San Mateo",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94080"
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"notify_client": "0",
"paid_on": "",
"receipt_url": "",
"invoice_url": "",
"pdf_url": "",
"created": "Fri April 23 2021 at 20:48:42 pm"
PUT, POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/invoices/91
"title": "Invoice New Title",
"client": "3",
"notify_client": "0",
"project_id": "4",
"due_date": "10/30/2020",
"content": "Attached is the invoice for the work that has been complete. Updates with new details",
"items": [
"item": "Back End Development",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": 750
"item": "Front End Development",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": 10000
"item": "Security Middleware",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": 10000
"success": true,
"title": "Updated",
"icon": "fas fa-file-invoice-dollar",
"msg": "Invoice updated",
"body": {
"title": "Invoice New Title",
"client": "3",
"notify_client": "0",
"project_id": "4",
"due_date": "10/30/2020",
"content": "Attached is the invoice for the work that has been complete. Updates with new details",
"items": [
"item": "Back End Development",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": 750
"item": "Front End Development",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": 10000
"item": "Security Middleware",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": 10000
"object": {
"ID": "91",
"title": "Invoice New Title",
"items": [
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"quantity": "1",
"amount": "750"
"item": "Front End Development",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": "10000"
"item": "Security Middleware",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": "10000"
"status": "draft",
"total": "20750",
"custom_tax_rate": "0",
"tax_rate": "0",
"tax": "0",
"due_date": "10/30/2020",
"invoice_number": "THRIVEIFIC-6",
"content": "Attached is the invoice for the work that has been complete. Updates with new details",
"pdf_content": "Attached is the invoice for the work that has been complete. Updates with new details",
"client": "3",
"external_client": "1",
"business_information": {
"name": "Thriveific",
"email": "",
"phone": "",
"address": "",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "",
"state": "",
"zip": ""
"client_details": {
"ID": "3",
"first_name": "Sandra",
"last_name": "Smith",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": "",
"billing_name": "Sandra Smith",
"address": "892 Kingdom Lane",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "San Mateo",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94080"
"project_id": "4",
"notify_client": "0",
"paid_on": "",
"receipt_url": "",
"invoice_url": "",
"pdf_url": "",
"created": "Fri April 23 2021 at 20:48:42 pm"
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/invoices/
"ID": 91,
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"quantity": "1",
"amount": "750"
"item": "Front End Development",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": "10000"
"item": "Security Middleware",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": "10000"
"status": "draft",
"total": "20750",
"custom_tax_rate": "0",
"tax_rate": "0",
"tax": "0",
"due_date": "10/30/2020",
"invoice_number": "THRIVEIFIC-6",
"content": "Attached is the invoice for the work that has been complete. Updates with new details",
"pdf_content": "Attached is the invoice for the work that has been complete. Updates with new details",
"client": "3",
"external_client": "1",
"business_information": {
"name": "Thriveific",
"email": "",
"phone": "",
"address": "",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "",
"state": "",
"zip": ""
"client_details": {
"ID": "3",
"first_name": "Sandra",
"last_name": "Smith",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": "",
"billing_name": "Sandra Smith",
"address": "892 Kingdom Lane",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "San Mateo",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94080"
"project_id": "4",
"notify_client": "0",
"paid_on": "",
"receipt_url": "",
"invoice_url": "",
"pdf_url": "",
"created": "Fri April 23 2021 at 20:48:42 pm"
If you append the get url with the ID of an Invoice the single result will be returned.
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/invoices/91
"ID": "91",
"title": "Invoice New Title",
"items": [
"item": "Back End Development",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": "750"
"item": "Front End Development",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": "10000"
"item": "Security Middleware",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": "10000"
"status": "draft",
"total": "20750",
"custom_tax_rate": "0",
"tax_rate": "0",
"tax": "0",
"due_date": "10/30/2020",
"invoice_number": "THRIVEIFIC-6",
"content": "Attached is the invoice for the work that has been complete. Updates with new details",
"pdf_content": "Attached is the invoice for the work that has been complete. Updates with new details",
"client": "3",
"external_client": "1",
"business_information": {
"name": "Thriveific",
"email": "",
"phone": "",
"address": "",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "",
"state": "",
"zip": ""
"client_details": {
"ID": "3",
"first_name": "Sandra",
"last_name": "Smith",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": "",
"billing_name": "Sandra Smith",
"address": "892 Kingdom Lane",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "San Mateo",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94080"
"project_id": "4",
"notify_client": "0",
"paid_on": "",
"receipt_url": "",
"invoice_url": "",
"pdf_url": "",
"created": "Fri April 23 2021 at 20:48:42 pm"
DELETE: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/invoices/91
"ID": "91",
"success": true,
"icon": "fas fa-file-invoice-dollar",
"title": "Deleted",
"msg": "Invoice deleted",
"object": {
"ID": "91",
"title": "Invoice New Title",
"items": [
"item": "Back End Development",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": "750"
"item": "Front End Development",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": "10000"
"item": "Security Middleware",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": "10000"
"status": "draft",
"total": "20750",
"custom_tax_rate": "0",
"tax_rate": "0",
"tax": "0",
"due_date": "10/30/2020",
"invoice_number": "THRIVEIFIC-6",
"content": "Attached is the invoice for the work that has been complete. Updates with new details",
"pdf_content": "Attached is the invoice for the work that has been complete. Updates with new details",
"client": "3",
"external_client": "1",
"business_information": {
"name": "Thriveific",
"email": "",
"phone": "",
"address": "",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "",
"state": "",
"zip": ""
"client_details": {
"ID": "3",
"first_name": "Sandra",
"last_name": "Smith",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": "",
"billing_name": "Sandra Smith",
"address": "892 Kingdom Lane",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "San Mateo",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94080"
"project_id": "4",
"notify_client": "0",
"paid_on": "",
"receipt_url": "",
"invoice_url": "",
"pdf_url": "",
"created": "Fri April 23 2021 at 20:48:42 pm"
"time": "04/23/21 20:48:44 pm"
POST, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/letters/
PUT, DELETE, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/letters/94
Required Params: title, content
title stringRequired
String to identify object
Signature data image string
Content area
POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/letters/
"title": "letters Title",
"content": "letters Content"
"success": true,
"title": "Success",
"icon": "fas fa-envelope-open-text",
"msg": "Letter created",
"body": {
"title": "letters Title",
"content": "letters Content"
"object": {
"ID": 94,
"title": "letters Title",
"content": "letters Content",
"content_sanitized": "letters Content",
"date": "04/23/2021",
"signature": "",
"pdf_url": "",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
PUT, POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/letters/94
"title": "letters New Title",
"content": "letters New Content"
"success": true,
"title": "Updated",
"icon": "fas fa-envelope-open-text",
"msg": "Letter updated",
"body": {
"title": "letters New Title",
"content": "letters New Content"
"object": {
"ID": "94",
"title": "letters New Title",
"content": "letters New Content",
"content_sanitized": "letters New Content",
"date": "04/23/2021",
"signature": "",
"pdf_url": "",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/letters/
"ID": 94,
"title": "letters New Title",
"content": "letters New Content",
"content_sanitized": "letters New Content",
"date": "04/23/2021",
"signature": "",
"pdf_url": "",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
If you append the get url with the ID of an Letter the single result will be returned.
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/letters/94
"ID": "94",
"title": "letters New Title",
"content": "letters New Content",
"content_sanitized": "letters New Content",
"date": "04/23/2021",
"signature": "",
"pdf_url": "",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
DELETE: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/letters/94
"ID": "94",
"success": true,
"icon": "fas fa-envelope-open-text",
"title": "Deleted",
"msg": "Letter deleted",
"object": {
"ID": "94",
"title": "letters New Title",
"content": "letters New Content",
"content_sanitized": "letters New Content",
"date": "04/23/2021",
"signature": "",
"pdf_url": "",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"time": "04/23/21 20:48:48 pm"
POST, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/payments/
PUT, DELETE, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/payments/95
Required Params: title, amount
title stringRequired
Title to identify note
Date of payment. Format: MM/DD/YYYY
Amount of payment
Object ID of project that payment is linked to
Client email, client id, or external client object id
True if client object is an external client.
Notes in relation to payment.
POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/payments/
"title": "Payment Title",
"date": "4/21/2020",
"amount": "500",
"project_id": "4",
"client": "3",
"external_client": 1
"success": true,
"title": "Success",
"icon": "fas fa-receipt",
"msg": "Payment created",
"body": {
"title": "Payment Title",
"date": "4/21/2020",
"amount": "500",
"project_id": "4",
"client": "3",
"external_client": 1
"object": {
"ID": 95,
"title": "Payment Title",
"published": "2020-04-21",
"date": "1587445200",
"date_pretty": "April 21, 2020",
"amount": "500",
"notes": "",
"client": "3",
"external_client": "1",
"client_details": {
"ID": "3",
"first_name": "Sandra",
"last_name": "Smith",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": "",
"billing_name": "Sandra Smith",
"address": "892 Kingdom Lane",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "San Mateo",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94080"
"charge_method": "",
"receipt_url": "",
"invoice_id": "",
"project_id": "4",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Tue April 21 2020 at 00:00:00 am",
"business_information": {
"name": "Thriveific",
"email": "",
"phone": "",
"address": "",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "",
"state": "",
"zip": ""
"pdf_url": ""
PUT, POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/payments/95
"title": "Payment New Title",
"date": "4/21/2021",
"amount": "1000",
"project_id": "4",
"client": "3",
"external_client": 1
"success": true,
"title": "Updated",
"icon": "fas fa-receipt",
"msg": "Payment updated",
"body": {
"title": "Payment New Title",
"date": "4/21/2021",
"amount": "1000",
"project_id": "4",
"client": "3",
"external_client": 1
"object": {
"ID": "95",
"title": "Payment New Title",
"published": "2021-04-21",
"date": "1618981200",
"date_pretty": "April 21, 2021",
"amount": "1000",
"notes": "",
"client": "3",
"external_client": "1",
"client_details": {
"ID": "3",
"first_name": "Sandra",
"last_name": "Smith",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": "",
"billing_name": "Sandra Smith",
"address": "892 Kingdom Lane",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "San Mateo",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94080"
"charge_method": "",
"receipt_url": "",
"invoice_id": "",
"project_id": "4",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Wed April 21 2021 at 00:00:00 am",
"business_information": {
"name": "Thriveific",
"email": "",
"phone": "",
"address": "",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "",
"state": "",
"zip": ""
"pdf_url": ""
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/payments/
"ID": 95,
"title": "Payment New Title",
"published": "2021-04-21",
"date": "1618981200",
"date_pretty": "April 21, 2021",
"amount": "1000",
"notes": "",
"client": "3",
"external_client": "1",
"client_details": {
"ID": "3",
"first_name": "Sandra",
"last_name": "Smith",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": "",
"billing_name": "Sandra Smith",
"address": "892 Kingdom Lane",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "San Mateo",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94080"
"charge_method": "",
"receipt_url": "",
"invoice_id": "",
"project_id": "4",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Wed April 21 2021 at 00:00:00 am",
"business_information": {
"name": "Thriveific",
"email": "",
"phone": "",
"address": "",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "",
"state": "",
"zip": ""
"pdf_url": ""
If you append the get url with the ID of an Payment the single result will be returned.
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/payments/95
"ID": "95",
"title": "Payment New Title",
"published": "2021-04-21",
"date": "1618981200",
"date_pretty": "April 21, 2021",
"amount": "1000",
"notes": "",
"client": "3",
"external_client": "1",
"client_details": {
"ID": "3",
"first_name": "Sandra",
"last_name": "Smith",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": "",
"billing_name": "Sandra Smith",
"address": "892 Kingdom Lane",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "San Mateo",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94080"
"charge_method": "",
"receipt_url": "",
"invoice_id": "",
"project_id": "4",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Wed April 21 2021 at 00:00:00 am",
"business_information": {
"name": "Thriveific",
"email": "",
"phone": "",
"address": "",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "",
"state": "",
"zip": ""
"pdf_url": ""
DELETE: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/payments/95
"ID": "95",
"success": true,
"icon": "fas fa-receipt",
"title": "Deleted",
"msg": "Payment deleted",
"object": {
"ID": "95",
"title": "Payment New Title",
"published": "2021-04-21",
"date": "1618981200",
"date_pretty": "April 21, 2021",
"amount": "1000",
"notes": "",
"client": "3",
"external_client": "1",
"client_details": {
"ID": "3",
"first_name": "Sandra",
"last_name": "Smith",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": "",
"billing_name": "Sandra Smith",
"address": "892 Kingdom Lane",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "San Mateo",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94080"
"charge_method": "",
"receipt_url": "",
"invoice_id": "",
"project_id": "4",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Wed April 21 2021 at 00:00:00 am",
"business_information": {
"name": "Thriveific",
"email": "",
"phone": "",
"address": "",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "",
"state": "",
"zip": ""
"pdf_url": ""
"time": "04/23/21 20:48:50 pm"
POST, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/projects/
PUT, DELETE, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/projects/96
Required Params: title, status
title stringRequired
Title to identify project
Project status: pending, in_progress, ongoing, delayed, complete
Client email, client id, or external client object id
Array of team members. Value can be team members ID or email
Date of when project should be completed
Project content area
POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/projects/
"title": "Project Title",
"status": "pending",
"client": "3",
"team_members": [
"completion_date": "4/21/2021",
"content": "Project content area"
"success": true,
"title": "Success",
"icon": "fas fa-hammer",
"msg": "Project created",
"body": {
"title": "Project Title",
"status": "pending",
"client": "3",
"team_members": [
"completion_date": "4/21/2021",
"content": "Project content area"
"object": {
"ID": 96,
"title": "Project Title",
"client": "3",
"external_client": "1",
"client_details": {
"ID": "3",
"first_name": "Sandra",
"last_name": "Smith",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": "",
"billing_name": "Sandra Smith",
"address": "892 Kingdom Lane",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "San Mateo",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94080"
"team_members": null,
"status": "pending",
"completion_date": "04/21/2021",
"content_sanitized": "Project content area",
"content": "Project content area",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Fri April 23 2021 at 20:48:50 pm"
PUT, POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/projects/96
"title": "Project New Title",
"status": "delayed",
"client": "3",
"team_members": [
"completion_date": "5/21/2021",
"content": "Project new content area"
"success": true,
"title": "Updated",
"icon": "fas fa-hammer",
"msg": "Project updated",
"body": {
"title": "Project New Title",
"status": "delayed",
"client": "3",
"team_members": [
"completion_date": "5/21/2021",
"content": "Project new content area"
"object": {
"ID": "96",
"title": "Project New Title",
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"external_client": "1",
"client_details": {
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"last_name": "Smith",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": "",
"billing_name": "Sandra Smith",
"address": "892 Kingdom Lane",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "San Mateo",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94080"
"team_members": null,
"status": "delayed",
"completion_date": "05/21/2021",
"content_sanitized": "Project new content area",
"content": "Project new content area",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Fri April 23 2021 at 20:48:50 pm"
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/projects/
"ID": 96,
"title": "Project New Title",
"client": "3",
"external_client": "1",
"client_details": {
"ID": "3",
"first_name": "Sandra",
"last_name": "Smith",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": "",
"billing_name": "Sandra Smith",
"address": "892 Kingdom Lane",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "San Mateo",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94080"
"team_members": null,
"status": "delayed",
"completion_date": "05/21/2021",
"content_sanitized": "Project new content area",
"content": "Project new content area",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Fri April 23 2021 at 20:48:50 pm"
If you append the get url with the ID of an Project the single result will be returned.
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/projects/96
"ID": "96",
"title": "Project New Title",
"client": "3",
"external_client": "1",
"client_details": {
"ID": "3",
"first_name": "Sandra",
"last_name": "Smith",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": "",
"billing_name": "Sandra Smith",
"address": "892 Kingdom Lane",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "San Mateo",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94080"
"team_members": null,
"status": "delayed",
"completion_date": "05/21/2021",
"content_sanitized": "Project new content area",
"content": "Project new content area",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Fri April 23 2021 at 20:48:50 pm"
DELETE: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/projects/96
"ID": "96",
"success": true,
"icon": "fas fa-hammer",
"title": "Deleted",
"msg": "Project deleted",
"object": {
"ID": "96",
"title": "Project New Title",
"client": "3",
"external_client": "1",
"client_details": {
"ID": "3",
"first_name": "Sandra",
"last_name": "Smith",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": "",
"billing_name": "Sandra Smith",
"address": "892 Kingdom Lane",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "San Mateo",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94080"
"team_members": null,
"status": "delayed",
"completion_date": "05/21/2021",
"content_sanitized": "Project new content area",
"content": "Project new content area",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Fri April 23 2021 at 20:48:50 pm"
"time": "04/23/21 20:48:52 pm"
POST, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/proposals/
PUT, DELETE, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/proposals/97
Required Params: title, client, items
title stringRequired
Title to identify proposal
Client email, client id, or external client object id
True if client object is an external client.
Object of proposal line items. items, quantity, amount
Inoice content area
True to notify client to take action on the proposal
ID of project object that proposal is linked to
POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/proposals/
"title": "Proposal Title",
"client": "3",
"notify_client": "0",
"project_id": "4",
"due_date": "10/30/2020",
"content": "Attached is the proposal for the suggested upcoming work",
"items": [
"item": "Back End Dev",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": 500
"item": "Front End View Layer",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": 10000
"item": "Security Layer New",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": 10000
"success": true,
"title": "Success",
"icon": "fas fa-file-invoice",
"msg": "Proposal created",
"body": {
"title": "Proposal Title",
"client": "3",
"notify_client": "0",
"project_id": "4",
"due_date": "10/30/2020",
"content": "Attached is the proposal for the suggested upcoming work",
"items": [
"item": "Back End Dev",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": 500
"item": "Front End View Layer",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": 10000
"item": "Security Layer New",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": 10000
"object": {
"ID": 97,
"title": "Proposal Title",
"items": [
"item": "Back End Dev",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": "500"
"item": "Front End View Layer",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": "10000"
"item": "Security Layer New",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": "10000"
"status": "draft",
"total": "20500",
"content": "Attached is the proposal for the suggested upcoming work",
"client": "3",
"external_client": "1",
"client_details": {
"ID": "3",
"first_name": "Sandra",
"last_name": "Smith",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": "",
"billing_name": "Sandra Smith",
"address": "892 Kingdom Lane",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "San Mateo",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94080"
"project_id": "4",
"notify_client": "0",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Fri April 23 2021 at 20:48:52 pm"
PUT, POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/proposals/97
"title": "Proposal New Title",
"client": "3",
"notify_client": "0",
"project_id": "4",
"due_date": "10/30/2020",
"content": "Attached is the proposal for the suggested upcoming work",
"items": [
"item": "Back End Dev",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": 500
"item": "Front End View Layer",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": 10000
"item": "Security Layer New",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": 10000
"success": true,
"title": "Updated",
"icon": "fas fa-file-invoice",
"msg": "Proposal updated",
"body": {
"title": "Proposal New Title",
"client": "3",
"notify_client": "0",
"project_id": "4",
"due_date": "10/30/2020",
"content": "Attached is the proposal for the suggested upcoming work",
"items": [
"item": "Back End Dev",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": 500
"item": "Front End View Layer",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": 10000
"item": "Security Layer New",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": 10000
"object": {
"ID": "97",
"title": "Proposal New Title",
"items": [
"item": "Back End Dev",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": "500"
"item": "Front End View Layer",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": "10000"
"item": "Security Layer New",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": "10000"
"status": "draft",
"total": "20500",
"content": "Attached is the proposal for the suggested upcoming work",
"client": "3",
"external_client": "1",
"client_details": {
"ID": "3",
"first_name": "Sandra",
"last_name": "Smith",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": "",
"billing_name": "Sandra Smith",
"address": "892 Kingdom Lane",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "San Mateo",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94080"
"project_id": "4",
"notify_client": "0",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Fri April 23 2021 at 20:48:52 pm"
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/proposals/
"ID": 97,
"title": "Proposal New Title",
"items": [
"item": "Back End Dev",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": "500"
"item": "Front End View Layer",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": "10000"
"item": "Security Layer New",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": "10000"
"status": "draft",
"total": "20500",
"content": "Attached is the proposal for the suggested upcoming work",
"client": "3",
"external_client": "1",
"client_details": {
"ID": "3",
"first_name": "Sandra",
"last_name": "Smith",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": "",
"billing_name": "Sandra Smith",
"address": "892 Kingdom Lane",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "San Mateo",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94080"
"project_id": "4",
"notify_client": "0",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Fri April 23 2021 at 20:48:52 pm"
If you append the get url with the ID of an Proposal the single result will be returned.
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/proposals/97
"ID": "97",
"title": "Proposal New Title",
"items": [
"item": "Back End Dev",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": "500"
"item": "Front End View Layer",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": "10000"
"item": "Security Layer New",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": "10000"
"status": "draft",
"total": "20500",
"content": "Attached is the proposal for the suggested upcoming work",
"client": "3",
"external_client": "1",
"client_details": {
"ID": "3",
"first_name": "Sandra",
"last_name": "Smith",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": "",
"billing_name": "Sandra Smith",
"address": "892 Kingdom Lane",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "San Mateo",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94080"
"project_id": "4",
"notify_client": "0",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Fri April 23 2021 at 20:48:52 pm"
DELETE: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/proposals/97
"ID": "97",
"success": true,
"icon": "fas fa-file-invoice",
"title": "Deleted",
"msg": "Proposal deleted",
"object": {
"ID": "97",
"title": "Proposal New Title",
"items": [
"item": "Back End Dev",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": "500"
"item": "Front End View Layer",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": "10000"
"item": "Security Layer New",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": "10000"
"status": "draft",
"total": "20500",
"content": "Attached is the proposal for the suggested upcoming work",
"client": "3",
"external_client": "1",
"client_details": {
"ID": "3",
"first_name": "Sandra",
"last_name": "Smith",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": "",
"billing_name": "Sandra Smith",
"address": "892 Kingdom Lane",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "San Mateo",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94080"
"project_id": "4",
"notify_client": "0",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Fri April 23 2021 at 20:48:52 pm"
"time": "04/23/21 20:48:54 pm"
POST, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/scratch-boards/
PUT, DELETE, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/scratch-boards/98
Required Params:
title string
Title to identify scratch board
Object with keys of 'title' containing text string.
POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/scratch-boards/
"title": "My Board",
"public": 0,
"cards": [
"title": "Item 1"
"title": "Item 2"
"title": "Item 3"
"success": true,
"title": "Success",
"icon": "far fa-sticky-note",
"msg": "Scratch board created",
"body": {
"title": "My Board",
"public": 0,
"cards": [
"title": "Item 1"
"title": "Item 2"
"title": "Item 3"
"object": {
"ID": 98,
"title": "My Board",
"cards": [
"title": "Item 1"
"title": "Item 2"
"title": "Item 3"
"cards_sanitized": [
"title": "Item 1"
"title": "Item 2"
"title": "Item 3"
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
PUT, POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/scratch-boards/98
"title": "My Board",
"public": 0,
"cards": [
"title": "Item 1"
"title": "Item 2"
"title": "Item 3"
"success": true,
"title": "Updated",
"icon": "far fa-sticky-note",
"msg": "Scratch board updated",
"body": {
"title": "My Board",
"public": 0,
"cards": [
"title": "Item 1"
"title": "Item 2"
"title": "Item 3"
"object": {
"ID": "98",
"title": "My Board",
"cards": [
"title": "Item 1"
"title": "Item 2"
"title": "Item 3"
"cards_sanitized": [
"title": "Item 1"
"title": "Item 2"
"title": "Item 3"
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/scratch-boards/
"ID": 98,
"title": "My Board",
"cards": [
"title": "Item 1"
"title": "Item 2"
"title": "Item 3"
"cards_sanitized": [
"title": "Item 1"
"title": "Item 2"
"title": "Item 3"
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
If you append the get url with the ID of an Scratch Board the single result will be returned.
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/scratch-boards/98
"ID": "98",
"title": "My Board",
"cards": [
"title": "Item 1"
"title": "Item 2"
"title": "Item 3"
"cards_sanitized": [
"title": "Item 1"
"title": "Item 2"
"title": "Item 3"
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
DELETE: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/scratch-boards/98
"ID": "98",
"success": true,
"icon": "far fa-sticky-note",
"title": "Deleted",
"msg": "Scratch board deleted",
"object": {
"ID": "98",
"title": "My Board",
"cards": [
"title": "Item 1"
"title": "Item 2"
"title": "Item 3"
"cards_sanitized": [
"title": "Item 1"
"title": "Item 2"
"title": "Item 3"
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"time": "04/23/21 20:48:56 pm"
POST, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/sms-triggers/
PUT, DELETE, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/sms-triggers/100
Required Params: trigger, sms_response
trigger stringRequired
Key phrase we are listening for
Message text that we will send when trigger is recieved
POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/sms-triggers/
"title": "SMS Trigger Title",
"trigger": "start",
"sms_response": "Your response to start"
"success": true,
"title": "Success",
"icon": "fas fa-reply",
"msg": "Sms trigger created",
"body": {
"title": "SMS Trigger Title",
"trigger": "start",
"sms_response": "Your response to start"
"object": {
"ID": 100,
"trigger": "start",
"sms_response": "Your response to start",
"count": "",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
PUT, POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/sms-triggers/100
"title": "SMS Trigger New Title",
"trigger": "start",
"sms_response": "Updated SMS trigger response"
"success": true,
"title": "Updated",
"icon": "fas fa-reply",
"msg": "Sms trigger updated",
"body": {
"title": "SMS Trigger New Title",
"trigger": "start",
"sms_response": "Updated SMS trigger response"
"object": {
"ID": "100",
"trigger": "start",
"sms_response": "Updated SMS trigger response",
"count": "",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/sms-triggers/
"ID": 100,
"trigger": "start",
"sms_response": "Updated SMS trigger response",
"count": "",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
If you append the get url with the ID of an SMS Trigger the single result will be returned.
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/sms-triggers/100
"ID": "100",
"trigger": "start",
"sms_response": "Updated SMS trigger response",
"count": "",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
DELETE: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/sms-triggers/100
"ID": "100",
"success": true,
"icon": "fas fa-reply",
"title": "Deleted",
"msg": "Sms trigger deleted",
"object": {
"ID": "100",
"trigger": "start",
"sms_response": "Updated SMS trigger response",
"count": "",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"time": "04/23/21 20:48:59 pm"
POST, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/sms-broadcasts/
PUT, DELETE, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/sms-broadcasts/99
Required Params: title, message
title stringRequired
String to identify SMS broadcast.
SMS broadcast message body.
POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/sms-broadcasts/
"title": "SMS Broadcast Title",
"message": "Your SMS message here"
"success": true,
"title": "Success",
"icon": "fas fa-comment-alt",
"msg": "Sms broadcast created",
"body": {
"title": "SMS Broadcast Title",
"message": "Your SMS message here"
"object": {
"ID": 99,
"title": "SMS Broadcast Title",
"message": "Your SMS message here",
"status": "draft",
"progress": "0",
"report": "",
"date": "Friday April 23, 2021",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
PUT, POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/sms-broadcasts/99
"title": "SMS Broadcast New Title",
"message": "Your updated SMS message"
"success": true,
"title": "Updated",
"icon": "fas fa-comment-alt",
"msg": "Sms broadcast updated",
"body": {
"title": "SMS Broadcast New Title",
"message": "Your updated SMS message"
"object": {
"ID": "99",
"title": "SMS Broadcast New Title",
"message": "Your updated SMS message",
"status": "draft",
"progress": "0",
"report": "",
"date": "Friday April 23, 2021",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/sms-broadcasts/
"ID": 99,
"title": "SMS Broadcast New Title",
"message": "Your updated SMS message",
"status": "draft",
"progress": "0",
"report": "",
"date": "Friday April 23, 2021",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
If you append the get url with the ID of an SMS Broadcast the single result will be returned.
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/sms-broadcasts/99
"ID": "99",
"title": "SMS Broadcast New Title",
"message": "Your updated SMS message",
"status": "draft",
"progress": "0",
"report": "",
"date": "Friday April 23, 2021",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
DELETE: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/sms-broadcasts/99
"ID": "99",
"success": true,
"icon": "fas fa-comment-alt",
"title": "Deleted",
"msg": "Sms broadcast deleted",
"object": {
"ID": "99",
"title": "SMS Broadcast New Title",
"message": "Your updated SMS message",
"status": "draft",
"progress": "0",
"report": "",
"date": "Friday April 23, 2021",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"time": "04/23/21 20:48:57 pm"
POST, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/subscribers/
PUT, DELETE, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/subscribers/101
Required Params:
first_name string
Subscriber first name
Subscriber last name
Subscriber Email
Subscriber phone number
Oject of audience IDs or unique Ids
POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/subscribers/
"first_name": "Subscriber first name",
"last_name": "Subscriber last name",
"email": "",
"phone_number": "0000000000",
"audience_ids": []
"success": true,
"title": "Success",
"icon": "fas fa-user-check",
"msg": "Subscriber created",
"body": {
"first_name": "Subscriber first name",
"last_name": "Subscriber last name",
"email": "",
"phone_number": "0000000000",
"audience_ids": []
"object": {
"ID": 101,
"first_name": "Subscriber first name",
"last_name": "Subscriber last name",
"email": "",
"phone_number": "0000000000",
"phone": "0000000000",
"audience_ids": "",
"audience_ids_unique": null,
"audience_titles": null
PUT, POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/subscribers/101
"first_name": "James",
"last_name": "Hillway",
"email": "",
"phone_number": "9999999999",
"audience_ids": []
"success": true,
"title": "Updated",
"icon": "fas fa-user-check",
"msg": "Subscriber updated",
"body": {
"first_name": "James",
"last_name": "Hillway",
"email": "",
"phone_number": "9999999999",
"audience_ids": []
"object": {
"ID": "101",
"first_name": "James",
"last_name": "Hillway",
"email": "",
"phone_number": "9999999999",
"phone": "9999999999",
"audience_ids": "",
"audience_ids_unique": null,
"audience_titles": null
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/subscribers/
"ID": 101,
"first_name": "James",
"last_name": "Hillway",
"email": "",
"phone_number": "9999999999",
"phone": "9999999999",
"audience_ids": "",
"audience_ids_unique": null,
"audience_titles": null
If you append the get url with the ID of an Subscriber the single result will be returned.
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/subscribers/101
"ID": "101",
"first_name": "James",
"last_name": "Hillway",
"email": "",
"phone_number": "9999999999",
"phone": "9999999999",
"audience_ids": "",
"audience_ids_unique": null,
"audience_titles": null
DELETE: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/subscribers/101
"ID": "101",
"success": true,
"icon": "fas fa-user-check",
"title": "Deleted",
"msg": "Subscriber deleted",
"object": {
"ID": "101",
"first_name": "James",
"last_name": "Hillway",
"email": "",
"phone_number": "9999999999",
"phone": "9999999999",
"audience_ids": "",
"audience_ids_unique": null,
"audience_titles": null
"time": "04/23/21 20:49:01 pm"
POST, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/tasks/
PUT, DELETE, GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/tasks/
Required Params: title, status
title stringRequired
Title to identify task
Task status: pending, in_progress, completes
Content area for task
Project ID that task is linked to
Team member task is linked to can be team members email or ID
POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/tasks/
"title": "Task Title",
"status": "pending",
"content": "Task content area",
"project_id": "4",
"team_member": "1"
"success": false,
"title": "Error",
"msg": "We could not locate that team member."
PUT, POST: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/tasks/
"title": "Task New Title",
"status": "in_progress",
"content": "Task updated content area",
"project_id": "4",
"team_member": "1"
"code": "rest_no_route",
"message": "No route was found matching the URL and request method.",
"data": {
"status": 404
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/tasks/
"ID": 22,
"title": "Pouros-McLaughlin",
"status": "pending",
"project_id": "6",
"project_title": "Dach Ltd",
"team_member": "",
"team_member_details": {
"ID": "",
"first_name": "Jerrick",
"last_name": "Hakim",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": ""
"content": "Nisi doloremque facilis sapiente modi. Quos sunt id unde optio dolore quisquam corporis. Qui aut quaerat et quaerat sequi praesentium.",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Fri April 23 2021 at 20:47:47 pm"
If you append the get url with the ID of an Task the single result will be returned.
GET: {{workplace_url}}/api/thriveific/v1/tasks/
"ID": 22,
"title": "Pouros-McLaughlin",
"status": "pending",
"project_id": "6",
"project_title": "Dach Ltd",
"team_member": "",
"team_member_details": {
"ID": "",
"first_name": "Jerrick",
"last_name": "Hakim",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": ""
"content": "Nisi doloremque facilis sapiente modi. Quos sunt id unde optio dolore quisquam corporis. Qui aut quaerat et quaerat sequi praesentium.",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Fri April 23 2021 at 20:47:47 pm"
"ID": 18,
"title": "Gutkowski, Rowe and Bednar",
"status": "in_progress",
"project_id": "6",
"project_title": "Dach Ltd",
"team_member": "",
"team_member_details": {
"ID": "",
"first_name": "Jerrick",
"last_name": "Hakim",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": ""
"content": "Dolore illo perferendis consequuntur assumenda tempore aliquam totam. Vero occaecati dolor alias voluptatem iste. A sapiente nostrum ipsam et assumenda. Totam ut sint dolore id impedit itaque vero.",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Fri April 23 2021 at 20:47:46 pm"
"ID": 19,
"title": "Bergstrom-Murazik",
"status": "complete",
"project_id": "6",
"project_title": "Dach Ltd",
"team_member": "",
"team_member_details": {
"ID": "",
"first_name": "Jerrick",
"last_name": "Hakim",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": ""
"content": "Quis dolore porro ratione corrupti et iste odio. Et recusandae enim autem similique iure tempore accusamus. Alias eveniet ad eligendi cupiditate odit. Iure quasi perferendis consequatur.",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Fri April 23 2021 at 20:47:46 pm"
"ID": 20,
"title": "Sporer Group",
"status": "complete",
"project_id": "6",
"project_title": "Dach Ltd",
"team_member": "",
"team_member_details": {
"ID": "",
"first_name": "Jerrick",
"last_name": "Hakim",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": ""
"content": "Eaque iure sed molestiae aut. Et id sunt occaecati exercitationem praesentium. Reiciendis deleniti eum distinctio rem. Odit perferendis similique vel.",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Fri April 23 2021 at 20:47:46 pm"
"ID": 21,
"title": "Cummerata-Waters",
"status": "in_progress",
"project_id": "6",
"project_title": "Dach Ltd",
"team_member": "",
"team_member_details": {
"ID": "",
"first_name": "Jerrick",
"last_name": "Hakim",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": ""
"content": "Et aliquam voluptate aut quod eum doloribus nobis. Deserunt ea quia quia natus ratione tenetur reprehenderit animi. Facilis nobis blanditiis dolorem eum itaque impedit in eum.",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Fri April 23 2021 at 20:47:46 pm"
"ID": 14,
"title": "Doyle Inc",
"status": "complete",
"project_id": "6",
"project_title": "Dach Ltd",
"team_member": "",
"team_member_details": {
"ID": "",
"first_name": "Jerrick",
"last_name": "Hakim",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": ""
"content": "Praesentium voluptas rerum temporibus vitae et laudantium. Dolore modi accusamus consequuntur sed est sunt. Qui nihil aliquam similique et porro.",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Fri April 23 2021 at 20:47:45 pm"
"ID": 15,
"title": "Rodriguez-Rogahn",
"status": "complete",
"project_id": "6",
"project_title": "Dach Ltd",
"team_member": "",
"team_member_details": {
"ID": "",
"first_name": "Jerrick",
"last_name": "Hakim",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": ""
"content": "Nam laudantium ut magnam iure voluptatem quos. Laborum repudiandae sit laboriosam minus et aspernatur ut.",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Fri April 23 2021 at 20:47:45 pm"
"ID": 16,
"title": "Homenick, Wehner and Carroll",
"status": "complete",
"project_id": "6",
"project_title": "Dach Ltd",
"team_member": "",
"team_member_details": {
"ID": "",
"first_name": "Jerrick",
"last_name": "Hakim",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": ""
"content": "Hic mollitia aut corrupti sit. Autem officiis itaque provident et ipsum magni odit. Blanditiis et inventore id distinctio quis.",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Fri April 23 2021 at 20:47:45 pm"
"ID": 17,
"title": "Lubowitz, McLaughlin and Corkery",
"status": "in_progress",
"project_id": "6",
"project_title": "Dach Ltd",
"team_member": "",
"team_member_details": {
"ID": "",
"first_name": "Jerrick",
"last_name": "Hakim",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": ""
"content": "Expedita rerum iure voluptatum reprehenderit repellat ratione. Autem sint minima dignissimos veniam. Corporis qui rem illum accusantium dolor.",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Fri April 23 2021 at 20:47:45 pm"
"ID": 10,
"title": "Cormier Inc",
"status": "in_progress",
"project_id": "6",
"project_title": "Dach Ltd",
"team_member": "",
"team_member_details": {
"ID": "",
"first_name": "Jerrick",
"last_name": "Hakim",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": ""
"content": "Minima eos culpa iste sequi vel vel maiores. Et praesentium aliquid velit. Animi rerum accusamus adipisci. Quo velit earum vel distinctio maiores quis incidunt voluptas. Perferendis quis voluptatem quibusdam quae.",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Fri April 23 2021 at 20:47:44 pm"
"ID": 11,
"title": "Prohaska-Thompson",
"status": "pending",
"project_id": "6",
"project_title": "Dach Ltd",
"team_member": "",
"team_member_details": {
"ID": "",
"first_name": "Jerrick",
"last_name": "Hakim",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": ""
"content": "Et quod et eveniet vel facilis minus. Aut odit aut alias accusantium ea libero.",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Fri April 23 2021 at 20:47:44 pm"
"ID": 12,
"title": "Marvin Group",
"status": "pending",
"project_id": "6",
"project_title": "Dach Ltd",
"team_member": "",
"team_member_details": {
"ID": "",
"first_name": "Jerrick",
"last_name": "Hakim",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": ""
"content": "Dolores voluptatem ut labore est. Maiores quia enim dolorum quaerat quod.",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Fri April 23 2021 at 20:47:44 pm"
"ID": 13,
"title": "Collins Inc",
"status": "in_progress",
"project_id": "6",
"project_title": "Dach Ltd",
"team_member": "",
"team_member_details": {
"ID": "",
"first_name": "Jerrick",
"last_name": "Hakim",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": ""
"content": "Ullam quia assumenda at aspernatur. Fuga non doloremque quod eum molestias ex. Nemo sit dicta et et non repudiandae error.",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Fri April 23 2021 at 20:47:44 pm"
"ID": 7,
"title": "Quitzon-Wilderman",
"status": "pending",
"project_id": "6",
"project_title": "Dach Ltd",
"team_member": "",
"team_member_details": {
"ID": "",
"first_name": "Jerrick",
"last_name": "Hakim",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": ""
"content": "Quis facilis unde repellendus facilis. Molestiae rem illo dolor modi necessitatibus natus quibusdam odit. Maxime illum culpa mollitia temporibus qui sed et. Doloribus molestiae vel et ut. Magni reprehenderit perferendis ducimus.",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Fri April 23 2021 at 20:47:43 pm"
"ID": 8,
"title": "Kessler-Pagac",
"status": "complete",
"project_id": "6",
"project_title": "Dach Ltd",
"team_member": "",
"team_member_details": {
"ID": "",
"first_name": "Jerrick",
"last_name": "Hakim",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": ""
"content": "Deleniti dolor quidem necessitatibus et in in. Corporis rerum alias rem. Quia distinctio explicabo neque quia nemo voluptas. Veniam quidem deserunt voluptatem eveniet fugit.",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Fri April 23 2021 at 20:47:43 pm"
"ID": 9,
"title": "Bradtke LLC",
"status": "complete",
"project_id": "6",
"project_title": "Dach Ltd",
"team_member": "",
"team_member_details": {
"ID": "",
"first_name": "Jerrick",
"last_name": "Hakim",
"phone": "6089600000",
"email": ""
"content": "Porro doloremque fugit iste quos assumenda ipsa alias aliquam. Unde aut nesciunt et. Dolores officia ut culpa porro et voluptas deserunt nesciunt. Expedita illo in qui neque expedita porro voluptas provident.",
"author": {
"ID": "",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Jerrick Hakim"
"created": "Fri April 23 2021 at 20:47:43 pm"
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