Getting Started


A Brief Introduction to Thriveific's Docs

Thriveific is a cloud-based business management app provider. Thriveific provides the end-user with a customizable web app with features such as time-tracking, team collaboration, project workflows, financial management, document signing, analytics, SMS marketing, client management, custom user capabilities, customer relationship management, and even more.

With Thriveific you can manage your team, clients, projects, financials, and much more all in one easy to use interface. Thriveific has a time tracking system where you can see where your time is going. For managers, you can edit time logs easily, you customize your dashboard, link your custom domain, and add your business's logos.

If you're here to learn more about Thriveific, that's great. However, if you already have Thriveific, we encourage you to just click and look around. Hands-on is the fastest way for you to get up and running with Thriveific. If you're new here, you can start a free trial from our pricing page.

Thriveific uses three key roles; Super Manager, Team Member, and Client. Super Managers can do anything and everything inside the workplace. The Super Managers have control over what the team members can and can't do in the workplace while the clients are served a client portal just for them.

Your Workplace

All Things In One Centralized Workplace.

All your data lives inside if your workplace. Your team will be users of your workplace, this allows them to punch in, create projects, invoices, view data, upload files, etc. If your clients have an account on Thriveific they can be users of your workplace. This would allow them to have access of their client portal.

There is a lot of data and actions that you can do inside your workplace. We strive to create an easy to use interface and group components in a matter that makes sense. We strive to create flow and similarities between components. The same way that you create a lead is the same way you create an invoice. In your settings, you have options to customize your workplace and connect it to our integrations.

What you can do in your workplace is limited to based on the capabilities that you have in that workplace. For example, you can be a client in one workplace and be a workplace manager on another one. When it comes to how you are billed, you are billed monthly per workplace you create. You can create as many workplaces that you would like.

Lastly, it is important to understand that some features may require you to connect your workplace with our integrations. For example, if you wish to accept payments, you will need to connect your workplace to your Stripe account. If you wish to send SMS Broadcasts and take advantage of SMS Triggers you must connect your workplace to Twilio. If you wish to send Email Broadcasts, you must connect your workplace to Mailgun.

Setting Up Your Workplace

Settings > Workplace Options

Here are some first things that you should do when setting up your workplace.

Business Information (This is used to be shown on proposals and invoices)

Socal Links (Social Links are currently used as an option to show in the footer of emails)

Complete Workplace Details (Most importantly, check that your workplace is set to the correct time zone)

Settings > Integrations


Commonly you will be using Thriveific to invoice clients. In order to accept payment, you will need to connect your workplace to Stripe.


If you wish to send SMS Broadcasts you will need to have a Twilio account. Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure SMS compliance when sending out text messages.


If you wish to send out email broadcasts, you will need to connect your workplace to Mailgun by entering your API keys.

For more information relating to integrations, visit our integrations sections.

Workplace Billing

Workplace billing is how you manage your subscription for your workplace, you can update the card on file, change your plan, and cancel your subscription at anytime.

If you have multiple workplaces you can quickly access the billing portal for the desired workplace.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are currently is development. Please check back later.

User Management


Three Main Roles, Client, Team Member and Super Manager.

Only users of a workplace will have access to that workplace and specific data based on their user capabilities and role.

There are three main user roles:

Super Manager

Users with this role can do everything in the workplace and have no restrictions on the data that they can view. They can also customize other users' capabilities and approve users to be a part of the workplace. Super Managers are essentially the masters of the workplace. By default when you sign up and create a workplace you are assigned the super manager role.

Team Member

Team member's capabilities can be customized based on their role in business operations.

*at anytime you can change a team member's role to a super manager and vise versa.


The client's role is to display a different version of your workplace, the client portal. Client capabilities can be customers on a per client basics.


This user role subscriber; only applies if you have user registration enabled on your workplace. A user with the role of subscriber does not have access to any data. However, this role provides more of a white label account creation flow.

Ideally, you would instruct a customer to visit {{workplace_url}}/app/register and have then created their account. From there, you. They will be redirected to a page with a blocked noticed be they do not hold a role to have access to your workplace in any way.

You then would log into your dashboard and change their role to a client, team member, or super manager. Once this is complete they will have access to your workplace and the specific data on your workplace based on their capabilities.

User Capabilities

Settings > User Option > Default Roles

So we know any user with the role of a super manager can to anything in the workplace.

What's left is the team member and client roles. Now, we have predefined, default, default capabilities. These values are overridden based on your workplace settings.

Here is where you can specify the default capabilities that a client or team member will be assigned when they become a member of your workplace.

These values can be changed at any time. In addition, at any time you can add or revoke capabilities on any user.

Note that only super managers can add or revoke user roles.

You can change a user role from a team member to a super manager at any time and vise versa.

Inviting Users

Settings > User Option > Invite

Of course, you can tell a team member, client to visit and have them join your workplace by entering your workplace's sub-domain on

Or you can invite a user from your workplace setting if you are a super manager in the workplace. When inviting a user they will be sent a message with instructions on how to join your workplace.

Now when a user attempts to join you workplace, you will have the option to add that user as a client, team member or super manager.

You can customize the default client and team members capabilities in the workplace settings. There is no need for the super manager role being that there is no resections on what they can do in the workplace; they can do everything.

Joining a Workplace

In order for you to gain access to a workplace your must:

  • Login to your Thriveific Account
  • Request to join a workplace
  • Once and if approved you will have access to the workplace

Don't have a Thriveific account? Click Here

  • First, create your account by clicking the above link.
  • Based on our security checks you may have to verify your email.
  • Visit the join workplace page and enter in only the subdomain of the workplace you would like to join.


If you are informed to join

Only type in demo in the form field.

Workplace Requests

How Users Become a Member of Your Workplace.

Work requests are the entry point for a user to have access to the workplace.

The start of workplace requests starts here:

When a user requests to join a workplace that must enter the subdomain of the workplace that they are attempting to join. The super manager of that workplace will get a notification that a user has attempted to join their workplace.

The Workplace Request can be approved or rejected by logging into your workplace. When approving a workplace request you will have the options to select the user role.


There are two forms of interacting with clients. These forms are internal and external clients.

The key difference to understand is internal clients have access to the client portal. They can log in to your workplace and perform activities and view data based on their user capabilities.

For a user to become an internal client, they must create an account and request to join your workplace. Upon approving the request, the user will gain access to your dashboard.

Internal clients may view payment history, upload files to projects, view invoices, view proposals based on their user capabilities.

If you do not wish for the client to have access to the client portal, just add the client as an external client.

You can always migrate date from an external client to an internal client and vise versa.

External Clients

Interacting With Clients That Are Not a Member of Your Workplace

You can interact with your clients if they do not have an account on Thriveific. They will just be interacting with your business through email when issuing invoices and proposals. In your dashboard navigate to the external clients tab and you can add, view and manage external clients. When choosing a client, regardless if it's an external or internal client you select the client the same way.

Form Embeds

Embeds Introduction

Thriveific offers you to embed forms on your website for a variety of use cases. The functionality is different bases on the forms you are embedding.

Form Types

Subscribe Form

This form allows you to subscribe to visitors to an audience on your website. Upon submission, a subscriber will be created in your workplace's CRM.

Lead From

This form allows you to capture and save leads and save them to your workplace's CRM. This form operates similarly to the subscribe form.

Contact From

This form currently does not save any data to your workplace, however, it sends an email to the workplace administrators.

Payment Form

This form allows you to collect payments on your website. Payment amounts are defined by the customer submitting the payment. Now, upon successful payment, the following events will occur.

  1. If an external client does not exist by the email provided one is created based on the form details.
  2. Your workplace will send an email to the workplace administrators and the email processing the payment.
  3. The payment will be logged and saved into your workplace's database for accounting.

Getting Started

For subscribe, lead, and contact forms you must add this script tag right before the closing body tag on the page where you wish embed forms. Only load this script tag once.

Be sure to replace {{workplace_url}} with the URL of your workplace.

<script src="https://{{workplace_url}}"></script>

Payment Form Requirements

Active Workplace Subscription

Connect your workplace to your stripe account.

Include payment-form.js Script

Include Stripe.js

For payment forms, you must add this script tag right before the closing body tag on the page where you wish payment forms to be displayed. Only load the script.

<script src="https://{{workplace_url}}"></script>

Including Stripe.js, you should also load Stripe JS in the header of all pages on your website as recommended by Stripe. This is not required but recommended for fraud prevention. If the script is not on the payment page, the above script will load the script from Stripe.

<script src=""></script>

Note* you can embed as many forms on a page as you wish.

Subscribe Form Embeds

This feature is in beta and available to all users.

The subscriber form embed allows you to collect leads that will be inserted into your workplace CRM.

Step 1

Add the script tag right before the closing body. Be sure to replace {{workplace_url}} with the URL of your workplace.

<script src="https://{{workplace_url}}"></script>

Once you include your workplace JavaScript file you then can include the below subscribe HTML elements anywhere on your website where you wish a form to appear. Only include this script one, this is the script that is used for subscribe forms, lead forms, and contact forms.

Step 2

Copy and paste the HTML element on your page where you would like the subscriber form to be displayed. You can customize HTML classes to match your website's current CSS classes. By default, we use Bootstrap CSS classes as it's the most popular CSS Framework. See form examples below.

Subscribe Form Markup

Below is an example with all customization options. The example below shows the default options that will be applied if they are not overridden.

To make your customizations, simply make changes to the data attributes.

<!-- subscribe form -->
   data-fields="first_name, email"
   data-input-div-class="col-12 form-group"
   data-btn-div-class="col-12 form-group"
   data-btn-text="Request Invite"
   data-btn-class="btn btn-primary btn-block"
   data-success-msg="You have successfully subscribed."
   <!-- form inserted here via js -->

Minimal Example

Below is a form example that will use the default options. This will have the same effect as the form above. Being the default options are applied and we showed them in the above example.

<!-- subscribe form -->
   <!-- form inserted here via js -->


Email Opt-in Example

SMS Example

Say if you wanted to build your SMS list, you can customize the form to only show an input to capture the phone number. See the example below.

Inline SMS Example

Mark up for inline example

<div class="col-12 col-md-8 bg-light p-4 rounded shadow my-3">
      data-btn-text="Join SMS List" 
      data-btn-div-class="col-auto ml-n5" 
      data-success-msg="Awesome, we got you taped in!"

Lead Form Embeds

This feature is in beta and available to all users.

The lead form embed allows you to collect leads that will be inserted into your workplace CRM.

Step 1

Add the script tag right before the closing body. Be sure to replace {{workplace_url}} with the URL of your workplace.

<script src="https://{{workplace_url}}"></script>

Once you include your workplace JavaScript file you then can include the below subscribe HTML elements anywhere on your website where you wish a form to appear. Only include this script one, this is the script that is used for subscribe forms, lead forms, and contact forms.

Step 2

Copy and paste the HTML element on your page where you would like the lead form to be displayed. You can customize HTML classes to match your website's current CSS classes. By default, we use Bootstrap CSS classes as it's the most popular CSS Framework. See form examples below.

Lead Form Markup

Below is an example with all customization options. The example below shows the default options that will be applied if they are not overridden.

To make your customizations, simply make changes to the data attributes.

<!-- lead form -->
   data-fields="first_name, last_name, phone_number, email, notes"
   data-input-div-class="col-12 form-group"
   data-textarea-div-class="col-12 form-group"
   data-notes-placeholder="How can we help?"
   data-btn-div-class="col-12 form-group"
   data-btn-text="Get In Touch"
   data-btn-class="btn btn-primary btn-block"
   data-success-msg="We received your request; we will get back to you as soon as we can."
   <!-- form inserted here via js -->

Minimal Example

Below is a form example that will use the default options. This will have the same effect as the form above. Being the default options are applied and we showed them in the above example.

<!-- lead form -->
<div lead>
   <!-- form inserted here via js -->

Lead Form Example

Lead Form Embed Example

Below is an example of a lead form embedded on a page

Contact Form Embeds

This feature is in beta and available to all users.

The contact form embed allows you to embed contact forms on your website upon submission an email will be sent to the workplace administrators contaning the form details.

Step 1

Add the script tag right before the closing body. Be sure to replace {{workplace_url}} with the URL of your workplace.

<script src="https://{{workplace_url}}"></script>

Once you include your workplace JavaScript file you then can include the below subscribe HTML elements anywhere on your website where you wish a form to appear. Only include this script one, this is the script that is used for subscribe forms, lead forms, and contact forms.

Step 2

Copy and paste the HTML element on your page where you would like the contact form to be displayed. You can customize HTML classes to match your website's current CSS classes. By default, we use Bootstrap CSS classes as it's the most popular CSS Framework. See form examples below.

Contact Form Markup

Below is an example with all customization options. The example below shows the default options that will be applied if they are not overridden.

To make your customizations, simply make changes to the data attributes.

Settings > Email Settings > Admin Emails > Notification Settings

Please note, this data submitted is currently not saved anywhere in your workplace. It just sends an email to the team members set in notification settings.

<!-- contact form -->
   data-fields="first_name, last_name, phone, email, message"
   data-input-div-class="col-12 form-group"
   data-message-placeholder="Begin typing your message.."
   data-btn-div-class="col-12 form-group"
   data-btn-text="Contact Us"
   data-btn-class="btn btn-primary btn-block"
   date-success-msg="We received your request; we will get back to you as soon as we can."
   <!-- form inserted here via js -->

Contact Form Example

Payment Form Embeds

This feature is in beta and available to all users.

Payment Form Embeds allow you to create secure custom payment pages and collect payments anywhere on the web. When a payment is processed, we will attempt to locate the client; otherwise, we will create an external client. Upon successful payment, an email is sent to the workplace administrator and clients. Then, a payment record is saved to your workplace's database.

Step 1

Add the script tag right before the closing body. Be sure to replace {{workplace_url}} with the URL of your workplace.

<script src="https://{{workplace_url}}"></script>

Once you can include your workplace JavaScript file you then can include these HTML elements anywhere on your website where you wish a form to appear.

Step 2

Copy and paste the HTML element on your page where you would like the form to be displayed. You can customize HTML classes of the fields to match your website's current forms or CSS styling. By default, we use Bootstrap CSS classes as it's the most popular CSS Framework.

Payment Form Markup

For customization, we recommend consulting with a web developer. You can always reach out to support for basic customization.

Below is an example of a payment form with the default attributes; you can modify or change these default values; the example below with all the data attributes are not required. If you do not specify the data attributes, the defaults will be used.

   data-fields="first_name, last_name, email, phone_number, amount"
   data-input-div=class="col-12 form-group"
   data-btn-div-class="col-12 form-group"
   data-btn-text="Process Payment"
   data-btn-class="btn btn-primary btn-block"
   data-success-msg="Thank you, your payment was processed successfully."
   data-top-alert-success-class="alert alert-success mb-2"
   data-top-alert-error-class="alert alert-danger mb-2"

Minimal Example

Below is a form example that will use the default options. Being we show the default options in the above example this form will have the exact same effect.

<div payment></div>

Payment Form Example

Attribute Features


If you want the user to be redirected to a payment page after submission, you can specify the URL with this attribute.

Options: "", "false", "success_page"

Default false

If the attribute is set to success_page the user will be redirected to a success page.


Stripe Integration

Settings > Integrations > Stripe

In order to accept payments, you must connect your workplace to your Stripe account. If you don't have a Stripe account you can sign up at or you can sign up for Stripe during the setup flow.

Click on the connect with the Stripe button and either create an account or log into your current one. After you complete the steps you will see a message notifying you that your workplace is now connected to Stripe.

Twilio Integration

Settings > Integrations > Twilio

Twilo integration is required for you to send SMS broadcasts from your workplace.

You can sign up for a free trial at

In your Twilio dashboard, you must get a phone number and your API Keys. You will be pasting them in your Twilio Settings.

Mailgun Integration

Settings > Integrations > Maingun

Integration with Mailgun is required for you to send email broadcasts from your workplace. Mailgun is a great way to get started and scale as needed.

In order to user Mailgun you must have your own custom domain name.

Email Settings

Settings > Email Settings

Your workplace sends out emails based on the what email notifications are enabled inside your workplace. By default all email notifications are turned on. You can customize the email message with template variables. In addition your can customize the from name, reply to email address, email footer contents. Now you can even integrate your workplace to send out email from your own Mailgun account. This allows you to white label how emails are sent from your workplace.



Announcements allow you to share news, events or anything else that you would like to share with team members of your workplace.

Client Resources

Client Resources allot you to share text or files to internal clients who are a member of your workplace. If you only want a client to not have access or temporary access you can add or remove that capability at any time.

Supported Fields:

  • Title
  • WYSIWYG Editor
  • Files

Client Notes

Client notes are used to display a timeline of events or details that will be revisited at another date. You can take notes for internal and external clients and view the notes in the 360 Client View.


Documents allow you to create documents and collect signatures of the parties are involved.

To create a document you would past in the details of the document or agreement.

Document Templates

Documents Templates allow you to save a document that can be quickly created from later.

Ideally, you would want to save documents that you frequently need to get signed as a document template.


Expenses are a way to keep track of ductions to you may use on your tax return.


You can create folders and upload files to folders.

Note that workplace storage works as objects, this means if you upload a file with the same name it will rewrite it without warning.

Now keep in mind that you can upload files to other locations other than folders, currently you upload files to projects, announcements, internal resources, client resources.

In your workplace setting, you have an option named "Branding Assets". Please note that these assets are public. Being that your logo will be used in emails it has to be public. These assets are not served on a CDN.



First, to invoice customers you will first need to create a client and connect your workplace to your Stripe account.

If you are invoicing a client as an "external" client. They will just click a link in their email for them to pay the invoice. If they are an internal client they will still recieve the an email to pay the invoice, however then may also pay their invoice in your app

When creating an invoice when you're ready to notify the client and accept payment just select "notify client" when you save an invoice with this option is checked the client will get an email with a link for them to pay the invoice. You can always send an email or SMS reminder at anytime.


Settings > Feature Options > Invoice Options

When invoicing with Thriveific there are two ways about going about taxes and tax rates.

Option 1: Set your global tax rate.

Option 2: Set invoice specific tax rate. With this option, you can set the tax rate on a per invoice basics.

Invoicing Process

  1. Create an invoice - Draft
  2. Notify the client - Unpaid (Email Sent)
  3. The client pays the invoice - Paid

Internal Resouces

Internal resources are a way you can group internal assets into one place. These Internal Resources can be anything link employee onboarding guides, files, templates or anything that you would like to share across your team. These assets can be easily accessible for anyone in your organization to have easy and quick assets to them.

My Notes

The notes feature allows you to make notes on anything that you would like. Notes are only visible to the author of the note. They are not shared with any other user across the workplace.

If the content that you are writing needs to be accessible to other users, you can either create an announcement of internal resources.

One last thing to note is that notes cannot be accessed through Thriveific's API.


Looks at projects at the center of data. Other data is connected to your projects. For example, when creating a task, you have the option to select a project. Now, when viewing the project you can see tasks that are linked to the project.

Project are not just connected to tasks, they are the heart of your data.

Invoices, payments, expenses, proposals, can all be connected to a project.

Note, in the time tracker feature. When you punch in and select a task, Thriveific will look for the project that, that task is connected to.

When viewing analytics for a project, time spent on tasks connected to projects will show in the number of hours.

Scratch Boards

Scratch boards are only visible to the user that has created the Scratch Boards. In short, your Scratch Boards are private. Give your Scratch Board any title that you want, you can add as many items that you would like.


Tasks are intended for a specific short-lived activity. When a task is connected to projects the time spent on a task will show up in the project analytics.

When we mean "time spend", when your punch in, you will have the option to record a task or project. This is how you keep track of everything that you are working on.

Time Tracking

The Punch Clock is the start of Thriveific's Time Tracking system.

When punching in, the user will have the option to select what project or task that is being worked on. This is how Thriveific gets the data for time analytics.

To view your time card click on the Time Card link in the dashboard sidebar.

Other members of the workplace can view other user's time logs is they have the appropriate capability.

Time longs can be edited or deleted by users if they again have the appropriate capability.


Our Proposal feature is just used to help you set the proper expectations with your clients.

After you create a proposal in your dashboard. The client will get an email with links to either approve or reject the proposal. This email that the client can receive can be customized in your workplace settings.


The payroll feature is currently in beta. The payroll feature is intended for hourly employees are no taxes are taken out. The payroll feature is intended and helpful when hiring independent contractors on an hourly wage.

Simply have the contractor be a team member of your workplace. Have then punch in and our when doing work. Set the users hourly rate on their details section.

When your ready to pay them, click on the payroll link in your sidebar then click issue a paycheck. This will make all unpaid time logs as paid. Times the number of hours by the user's hourly wage and calculated the total amount owed.

The paycheck line items are organized by the task or project that is selected when the users punch in if it was not set.


Payments are used to keep the financial reporting of revenue that your business has generated. When a client pays an invoice payment is automatically created.

Work Requests

Work Requests can only be submitted by internal clients. Work Requests are first created inside the client dashboard.

When a Work Request is created you will receive an email notifying the necessary team member that a Work Request has been created. Inside your dashboard, you can quickly create a project or task from the Work Request.


Email Broadcasts

Email broadcasts allow you to send an on-demand email to an audience.

In order to send email broadcasts, you must integrate your workplace with your Mailgun account.

You can send email broadcasts to the following:

  • Subscribers in a list
  • Team members of your workplace
  • Internal clients who have email turned on in their communication preferences.

To view internal clients that have enabled email in their communication preferences can be displayed in Settings > Client Communication Preferences > Email Subscribed

Unsubscribe Handling

By default, we will include an unsubscribes URL in the footer of all emails that are sent to a list. When a user clicks on the link they will be unsubscribed from this list.

SMS Broadcasts

Sending SMS broadcasts required a Twilio account. Then you must connect your workplace to Twilio by entering your phone number and API keys.

When saving your data we will validate that we can connect to your Twilio account.

Please note when sending SMS Broadcasts it is important to follow anti-spam regulations. You are responsible for obtaining consent from the user when sending Sms broadcasts.

You can send SMS Broadcasts to the following:

  • Any users in a list with a phone number
  • Internal clients that have SMS enabled in their communication preferences

To view internal clients that have enabled SMS in their communication preferences can be displayed in Settings > Client Communication Preferences > SMS Subscribed

When we attempt to send broadcasts if the number is empty or invalid we will skip it. You can view detailed reports in your Twilio account.

To follow anti-spam laws it Twilio supports users to send the message "stop" to opt-out. Twilio then will stop sending messages to that user.

Click here to learn more about custom responses.

Click here to learn about Twilio's default opt-out support

SMS Triggers

In order for SMS triggers to work, you must integrate your workplace to Twilio account. Click Here to view the integration guide.

In order for SMS Triggers to function, you must set up a messaging endpoint for the phone number you are using in your Twilio dashboard.

In your Twilio dashboard.

Open Sidebar > Phone Numbers > Select Number > Messaging

Select the phone number that you have connected to your workplace and change the below URL to your workplace URL.

SMS Triggers are extremely simple

When you create an SMS trigger you have to specify the keyword or key phrase that you are listening for.

If there is a match we will send the response of the SMS trigger.

You can test it out from your own phone.

Workplace Options

Application Settings

Settings > Application Options > App Settings

Application settings allow you to customize your application to be unique to the business that is using the app.

Application Name - Name of application usually business name

Application Description - The description of the app can be a business tagline. Use the Application name if unsure.

Time zone - Time zone to display time in the workplace

Background Color - Color of the header background color in app.

Button Primary - Colors on button in app.

Theme Color - Color of the top bar in Progressive Web App. Visible on chrome and on android device.

Splash Screen Background Color - Color of background for splash screen. This is the screen you see when you open the app for a couple of seconds before the app loads.

Logo - Logo that will be displayed in the sidebar of the dashboard, in emails, and on PDFs.

App Icon Url - Url of the icon that will be shown on the when a user installs the app of adds the app to the home screen. Logo must be 192px x 192px.

Favicon and Splash Screen Icon Url - Url of the favicon. This icon will also show on splash screens. The background of the image should be transparent or the same as the splash screen background color.

iOS Top Bar Style - Only visible in iOS devices, controls the appearance of the top bar when the app is opened.

Business Information

Settings > Workplace Options > Business Information

It is important for your business information to be correct as it is displayed on proposals and invoices.

Advanced Workplace Settings

Domain Mapping

Settings > Advanced Workplace Options > Domain Mapping

In order to map your custom domain, you will need to have a free Cloudflare account.

In your domain registrar like Go Daddy, Google Domains update to your nameservers found in your Cloudflare account. Then you A record to point out IP:

In your Cloudflare dashboard set the SSL settings for your domain to be "Full".

If you wish you can use a subdomain. Create an A record with the name of what you want the subdomain to be and then just point it to our IP. Here is an example of what that would look like.


Settings > Advanced Workplace Options > API

For API usage please visit our API docs.