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Thriveific PWA

This is a tool to create iOS launch screens, app manifest, sample html and JavaScript files for your progressive web app..

About PWAs

About Progressive Web Apps

Progressive web apps allow you to make a website perform and feel like a native app when added to the home screen on mobile devices or installed via the Chrome browser.


PWAs are added to the home screen on iOS devices via the share icon. iOS does not support Web App Manifests; iOS uses meta tags to hide Safari elements and to allow fullscreen mode creating a native experience.


Browsers in Andriod devices like Chrome, Samsung Internet, Firefox support Web App Manifests. Splash screens and icons will be shown based on the manifest. Chrome on andriod support theme color, which affects the browser's top bar color.


Chrome on Mac and Windows allows users to install the application that, when opened, the app runs as a native experience without certain browser elements. With a PWA properly configured chrome will prompt the user to install the app. Not supported on Chrome for iOS or Mac*

PWA Generator

We can help you get started.

You can change this information in your files at any time. The PWA Generator tool is intended to help you get started and to understand PWAs. We will create iOS launch screens, web app manifest, register service worker script, service worker script, and sample html files. Upload the code to your server, make sure your make an SSL and you PWA should work!


Background color for iOS launch screens
Requirments 192 x 192 PNG Image, Valid Image URL.
512 x 512 PNG Image, Valid Image URL.

Click here to autofill with our logos.


Links You Might Find Useful

Here are the links we refrences quite a bit when creating this tool.

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