Setting Up Your Workplace

Settings > Workplace Options

Here are some first things that you should do when setting up your workplace.

Business Information (This is used to be shown on proposals and invoices)

Socal Links (Social Links are currently used as an option to show in the footer of emails)

Complete Workplace Details (Most importantly, check that your workplace is set to the correct time zone)

Settings > Integrations


Commonly you will be using Thriveific to invoice clients. In order to accept payment, you will need to connect your workplace to Stripe.


If you wish to send SMS Broadcasts you will need to have a Twilio account. Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure SMS compliance when sending out text messages.


If you wish to send out email broadcasts, you will need to connect your workplace to Mailgun by entering your API keys.

For more information relating to integrations, visit our integrations sections.