
Three Main Roles, Client, Team Member and Super Manager.

Only users of a workplace will have access to that workplace and specific data based on their user capabilities and role.

There are three main user roles:

Super Manager

Users with this role can do everything in the workplace and have no restrictions on the data that they can view. They can also customize other users' capabilities and approve users to be a part of the workplace. Super Managers are essentially the masters of the workplace. By default when you sign up and create a workplace you are assigned the super manager role.

Team Member

Team member's capabilities can be customized based on their role in business operations.

*at anytime you can change a team member's role to a super manager and vise versa.


The client's role is to display a different version of your workplace, the client portal. Client capabilities can be customers on a per client basics.


This user role subscriber; only applies if you have user registration enabled on your workplace. A user with the role of subscriber does not have access to any data. However, this role provides more of a white label account creation flow.

Ideally, you would instruct a customer to visit {{workplace_url}}/app/register and have then created their account. From there, you. They will be redirected to a page with a blocked noticed be they do not hold a role to have access to your workplace in any way.

You then would log into your dashboard and change their role to a client, team member, or super manager. Once this is complete they will have access to your workplace and the specific data on your workplace based on their capabilities.