Application Settings

Settings > Application Options > App Settings

Application settings allow you to customize your application to be unique to the business that is using the app.

Application Name - Name of application usually business name

Application Description - The description of the app can be a business tagline. Use the Application name if unsure.

Time zone - Time zone to display time in the workplace

Background Color - Color of the header background color in app.

Button Primary - Colors on button in app.

Theme Color - Color of the top bar in Progressive Web App. Visible on chrome and on android device.

Splash Screen Background Color - Color of background for splash screen. This is the screen you see when you open the app for a couple of seconds before the app loads.

Logo - Logo that will be displayed in the sidebar of the dashboard, in emails, and on PDFs.

App Icon Url - Url of the icon that will be shown on the when a user installs the app of adds the app to the home screen. Logo must be 192px x 192px.

Favicon and Splash Screen Icon Url - Url of the favicon. This icon will also show on splash screens. The background of the image should be transparent or the same as the splash screen background color.

iOS Top Bar Style - Only visible in iOS devices, controls the appearance of the top bar when the app is opened.